Meaning of a name
Please can you tell me the meaning of the name Seon. It is a female name but we dont know anything else. We thought it may be Hebrew but not sure.
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Sounds similar to Sian or Seona, could be irish related.
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Just a suggestion: Zion is sometimes written as Sion or even Syon in older, maybe 18th-century texts. And I once knew a Jewish girl named Ziona. So maybe it's a form of Zion?
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I have never seen it as Hebrew before, but can't rule it out.I do know "Seon" is but one of a few extant Scottish-Gaelic "John"-forms (along with "Iain" & "Eòin").
Scottish nicknames so based are "Seonaidh" and "Seonaodh" for Johnny.Further, "Seón" is an obsolete form of "Seán" in Irish-Gaelic.
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