Darlughdacha -Pronunciation?
I was researching St. Brigid of Kildare and found that she had a female companion called "Darlughdacha" (I also saw it spelled Darludacha and Darlughdach). Apparently the name means "daughter of Lugh" (Lugh being a Celtic deity, making it likely that Darlughdacha, like Brigid, was originally a Celtic Goddess who was later "translated" into a christian nun). I assume the name Darlughdacha is Irish in origin, but I was wondering if anyone had any idea on how to pronounce it?

This message was edited 8/7/2015, 1:00 PM

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I believe it's pronounced similarly to dar-loo-da-ka (dar rhymes with car and the a's in da & ka are more shwas than an aw sound)I'm not sure where the stress would be, though it's typically on the first syllable for regular words (sometimes the second) unless there's an obvious stress placed in (which there isn't in this case).I'm not an Irish speaker, however, so you may to check out an Irish language site for more info on how to pronounce linguistic elements to get a better idea. You may even be able to email someone on a Irish-related site/blog to find out! good luck!
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Like it's spelt this time
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Thank you sweet soul.
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