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Gaelic pronunciation: Tailltiu ingen Taidc?
I've chosen the 9th century Irish SCA name Tailltiu ingen Taidc, Tailltiu being the foster mother of the Celtic god Lugh, ingen meaning 'daughter of', and Taidc (surname form of Tadc or Tadgh) meaning poet. I believe the pronunciation is "Telsha eenhen Teeg" but I'm not 100% sure. Is there anyone here who may decipher "Tailltiu ingen Taidc" phonetically?
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i have no idea gaelic works but i'll give it my best, i am multilingual but gaelic is not one of my list and as i said i will try with my best knowledge of the languages that i do know.Tie-ee-too in-yen( or possibly in-jen) teek( or taick, or tay-eet)
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oops sorry i was reading this over and i mean tie-ee-teoo ( like a very elegant sounding a-choo so it's like et-ee-oo)
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I tried, it might not be the best in the world.tellCha In'heen TIEV
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