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Another German singer and bandmaster calls himself SMUDO (his rael name being Michael B. Schmidt). Is it all made up?Andy ;—)P.S.: I d i d try to contact him, but his Site has been "under construction" for almost a year now.
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Are you guessing (like I would have guessed)? Or do you actually know?Andy ;—)
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I know, because everybody is asking the same question. The book 'Freistunde' is even advertised with this promise: 'Darin wird auch ausführlich erklärt, wie Smudo zu dem Namen Smudo kam.'(in here it is explained how Smudo came to the name Smudo)!
He also says somewhere that the alternative spelling S.M.U.D.O. that he used to use has no meaning whatsoever...
He's just playing with our minds :D
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Thank you for this piece of information!
I still like Smudo, though, I mean the person as well as the name (at least the way he produces himself in the media).Andy ;—)
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