On this site, Bryony's prn. is listed as brie-o-nee. I've heard it as bree-uh-nee. Is this at all legit/accurate? Is it a regional accent thing, or is brie-o-nee the only 'real' prn.?
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I've always heard it just pron brie-o-nee. But with all the strange pronuciations these days, you might as well just pronouce it how you want!
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Where are you from? I'm in the UK, and here it's *always* br-eye-uh-nee. I'd never heard of pronouncing the first syllable as 'bree' until I read it on this site, so it could easily be just a regional thing.
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I live in Australia, and have pronounced it 'Bry-OH-nee'
I think it must be regional...
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The only way in which I've heard it pron. is bree-uh-nee (albeit I heard it only once). I'm in Southern Ontario, Canada.
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I have only ever heard it pronounced bry-O-nee
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I'm with those who say BRY-uh-nee -- 'bry' rhyming with 'cry.' I've never heard it any other way. (I'm from New England, USA, for what it's worth.)
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