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Why are the Black Sheep Turks thus named?
The Black Sheep Turks and the White Sheep Turks were political entities from about 1360 until about 1480 (source: McEvedy). I have been unable to discover why they had these distinctive names. Was it just because they had sheep of these colours? If so - why?
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I am interested too. Isn't there something in the Bible about darker wooled sheep being heartier, but less valuable and white wooled sheep being more prized, but not too healthy? Like Jacob taking the darker sheep when he finally left Rachel and Leah's dad's farm. Maybe one Muslim prince got the crappy sheep and one got the good sheep...I hope somebody knows.
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According to Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, these two different tribes of Turkomens got their names from the standards they carried into battle.The Black Sheep Turks came first, so my own guess is that their adversaries devised a standard for themselves which depicted the exact opposite image -- that of a white sheep -- to further emphasize their opposition to the Black Sheep Turks.-- Nanaea
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typo: "Turkomans"
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Turkoman vibration is rockin da nation!Baa, baa, black sheep,
Do you stab with dirks?
Yes sir, yes sir,
White Sheep Turks.One for the Cypriots,
One for the Kurds,
And one for the Armenians
Whose lives feel like turds
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Oh no! Is this a new cartoon about child warriors sporting creatures encapsulated in round plastic cases...which I'm going to have to buy for my daughter as she attempts to "collect them all!" playing cards?
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Or maybe some form of self-replicating militaristic Furbies
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Brilliant! Now do, "Meryem had a little sheep, it's fleece was black as..."
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...bleep" :P
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Found something....(m)It seems that color may indicate region (North, South, East, West).
Here's a link that explains some of the colorful names of the tribes from the steppes.
Good luck, hope you find some answers!
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