Name Games Guide

This page details some of the games that are played on the Name Games message board. Press the "show" button next to the game's title to reveal the rules. These are only the games most commonly played here. You are free to create a new type of game, as long as you explain the rules in your post.


Adoption Agency

Alien Name

Bash My Names / Name Roast


CAF: Create a Family / Generation CAF


First Thought

Game of Life / Dice Game

Get Kre8tive / How creative can you be?

HHP: Heaven, Hell, Purgatory

If you had to...

Keep, Swap, Change

Match the Siblings / Guess the Siblings

Mix and Match

NTNB: Name the Next Baby / Name the Newborn

Name Trivia / Name Quiz

Nickname Game

Perfect Sibling Game

This or That

You Think, You Say