Comments (Pronunciation Only)

There's a character named Aisling on the show "Derry Girls" (set and filmed in Northern Ireland) and it is pronounced ASH-leen on the show.
I'm also Aisling, some people call me a-is-ling but a lot call me Ashling... I'm not really fussed. I sometimes ask people just to call me Ais as they struggle saying my name, lol.
I have a friend called Aisling, and since it was through school I witnessed just how often her name was completely butchered in its pronunciation. I think it's a lovely name but if you're going to name your child it then I hope they're prepared for a lot of name correction! This is in Australia anyway, in Ireland I'm sure it's not as commonly mixed up (and I don't mean ash-lin versus ash-ling, I mean 'aye-sling? Ice-ling?')
Aisling is my middle name, and I've never pronounced it with the "g" at the end. I say it ASH-leen.
My name is Ashling. It's pronounced as it's spelled - with the G. My friend who lives in Ireland has the same name but spells it - Aisling. Hers is pronounced with the G as well.
It's always going to be pronounced ASH-ling or ASH-leen, with maybe slight variations in accents. It is NEVER EVER going to be pronounced ACE-ling or ACE-linn. No, silly Americans, you cannot pronounce names however you want to. In no way is Juan going to be JOO-an, in no way is Renee going to be REN-ee, Aisling is in no way, ACEling or ACE-lin.
The pronunciation of this name varies throughout Ireland. They are ASH-ling, ASH-lin, and ASH-leen/ash-LEEN. ASH-lin tends to be used around Dublin.
My name is Aisling and I'm an Irish speaker and different people pronounce it different ways. Some call me "Ash-leen" others call me "Ash-ling". Doesn't bother me. But "Ais" in Irish is "ash"!
I live in Ireland and this is pronounced Ash-ling. Ayz-ling is horrible. I also know people who pronounce it Ash-linn and that way is spelt Aislinn not Aisling.
THE pronunciation, regardless of THE spelling is, and always was
My name is Aislinn. It is pronounced Ash-leen. And that is the proper, Irish way. Also, when spelled Aisling, the 'ing' sound isn't usually said it is usually still 'leen'.
I've done a lot of research on this name, and it is NOT rare to pronounce it ASH-ling (with the G), and it is certainly not wrong. This is a misconception caused by the very different phonetics in the English language compared to Irish Gaelic. American/English variants of the name either drop the G in the pronunciation or from the spelling, but this is not the case in Ireland where the name comes from. Just Google "Aisling pronunciation" and then turn on your speakers and listen to the many Irish name sites that provide auditory examples of the name.
People it's not pronounced ASH-ling. The G is silent. It's ASH-lin.
Pronounced ASHLIN not ASHLING.
My cousin has a friend name Aisling and she pronounces it Ays-ling not Ashlyn.
Well your cousin's friend pronounces it wrong. It's ASH-ling, not some other tryndee monstrosity.

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