Comments (Pronunciation Only)

Spanish pronunciation is /'a.lan/.
The Breton pronunciations are either /a.lɑ̃n/≈"AH-lah^n-n(in Nothern and Western Brittany) or /a.lɑ̃n/≈"ah-LAH^N-N" (in Southern Brittany).
In Breton one always pronouce "an" and "ann" /ɑ̃n/≈"AH^N-N": first a nasal "A" like the French /ɑ̃/≈"AH^N" in "français", "en masse" or "flambé", then a "N"; like if one pronouced the French word "ennui"/ɑ̃n.ny.i/≈"AH^N-NUY-EE" while skipping the "UY-EE" at the end. [noted -ed]
In 2018, 55 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Alan who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 178th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
Czech, Polish and Slovak pronunciation is "ah-LAHN".

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