Comments (Pronunciation Only)

Ah-leh-HAHN-drah. (The J in Castilian Spanish is pronounced like an English H.)
In regards to pronunciation, Alejandra's key is [aleˈxandɾa]
In South Spain, Canarias and Caribbean countries, the /x/ is usually regarded as an h. However, like English, Spanish is all around the world - there is a lot of dialects in it, and they're not all the same. For example, Mexican Spanish and Spaniard Spanish could be compared to American English and British English. I'm not too knowledgeable with Spanish, but that is what I'm aware of - so I assume Alejandra can be pronounced differently, both of them being legitimate pronunciations, but only used in certain areas.
The correct pronunciation is Ah-leh-han-dra (rhymes with Sandra).
A question for those pronouncing this name Ale-khandra or Ale-chandra, which country and language are you referencing? I always thought this name was a Spanish name. I'm intrigued that it might be used in other countries/languages also.
The correct pronunciation is Ale-HAN-dra. The 'J' in Spanish sounds like an 'H' in English.
Pronounced "ah-le-CHAHN-drah".

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