Also Afrikaans. You'll find numerous bearers on social media.
Also Flemish:
Arie has worked well for me, so far I have no complaints. Works just fine as a name for a male yet it is often misspelled and mispronounced.
It may be exclusively feminine here, but the opposite in The Netherlands.
I find Arie to be a very cute male name, so what if it sounds weak? A lot of names sound too strong for girls, yet a lot of them are very girly with girly middle names (which I like)! Arie makes a beautiful girl’s name too! It suits both boys and girls, but I actually do think it sounds more feminine. It’s still a pretty name and it has a lot of good incorporations.
This is a girl name pronounced Are-ee. Beautiful name!
Female Hebrew name. Form of Ariel. God's lion.
This is actually a female name from the 1800s! I see nothing male about it.
I really like this name. I'm part Dutch and I like the name Ari for a girl, but it's too common around me with all the 'Ariyahs' and 'Arianas'. So I'm glad I found this name.
The Dutch pronunciation for Arie is: AH-ree. [noted -ed]
In the Netherlands this name is really dorky :D I think it's cute.
India Arie Simpson (AKA India.Arie) is an R&B singer.

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