Comments (Personal Impression Only)

People actually like this? I bet it is because of the evil spiritual aspects that makes it so "cool" and "attractive". It's pronounced the same as "bale" and I just think the name is unlikeable.
Meh. I prefer Freyr.
Wow! Wonderful name! :)
Also, so powerful! What a commanding name. Good name for a prince.
I love it. It sounds tender, like what you'd name a favorite gentle sheep.
Definitely use it!
Definitely not.
Good name. Has some bad connections in the bible world but that's only for Christians so if that ain't you, don't worry.
I think of sheep when I see this name, Baaa.
If you have twins and name both of them this, then check it out, you have a pair of Ba'als.
This name is stupid. It sounds like "ball", and besides, Ba'al was portrayed as a demon in the Old Testament.
Although I would not name my child this name exactly, some names I am considering for future children of mine have Ba'al as a derivative. That makes this name and its meaning a relative issue, as well as its connotations and possible issues it could create for a bearer of it. Although I appreciate members of this site voicing their concern for such children, I don't exactly appreciate their mocking tone of the name itself, as it has a rich heritage and place in many cultures. However, I am sure they meant nothing by their remarks.

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