Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Balthazar is so cool!
This name sounds noble, elegant and balanced. Also, it has a beautiful meaning that should make a bearer feel safe and powerful. I would consider using it for a real child.
Balthazar (and Balthasar) is a very interesting name that I think could be revived. I can see triplets called Capsar, Melchior, and Balthazar - perhaps nicknamed Cas, Mel, and Baz?
Odd and cool at the same time. I think it's rarely used as I've never met a Balthazar. I would consider using it for my child. :)
It feels very mysterious and could be dark.
This is the type of name that would be rather heavy for a little boy to carry, but I really do love it! It sounds very regal, can even be considered a biblical name (something more unique than typical Joshua/Jacob/Isaac etc.), and it sounds so handsome. Would love to use this as a middle name for a future son.
It makes me think of Bulbasaur. But I like it. It's pretty neat. I might even name my child this.
Really odd but absolutely usable in my opinion. Great! :)
Love this name. Ancient, beautiful and has such feeling to it.
You'd pretty much have to be the coolest person in the world to pull of this hideous, pretentious name.

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