Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think of a grandpa when I hear this name which is not a bad thing at all! I like older names like this one.
I’m sorry, but this name doesn’t sit well with me. It’s not you, it’s me. Don’t let my opinions alter you.
Tbh I think the name being pronounced more like the herb makes it sound way more feminine, which is adorable & I love it! I go by it sometimes as a nickname! :>
I can only think of the herb, not a boy's name.
I like it but for some reason this name sounds very southern to me.
I really like the name Basil. Some of my family comes from Britain and I think it would be a nice name that refers back to our British roots. I also like the sound of it and to me, it sounds very masculine and proper.
Regardless of the meaning, Basil still sounds effeminate (and just unattractive in general) to me. A name like Rex is a thousand times more masculine, and sounds much better too.
Isn't this an herb used as a food topping?
To the user who posted on 6/16/20:
Look at the pronunciation. It’s pronounced Bah-zil. The herb is Bay-zil. It doesn’t take rocket science to understand. It’s a very lovely name with a regal meaning. I love it!
The first thing I think of is the herb.
I mean yes I think of the plant but I don't dislike the herb, it's pretty cool. The actual meaning is pretty cool, I didn't expect it. And the plant association kind of makes it better, in my opinion. But if you don't like the name for whatever reason, but like the plant association, then the Turkish name Reyhan or it's variants mean Basil.
Basil, the perfect name to give to your little king.
I love this name so much. It's definitely a contender for my future son's name. It means "royal" and has a lot of personal meaning to me. My favorite childhood movie is The Great Mouse Detective, featuring the Sherlock Holmes mouse Basil. That character was also named after Basil Rathbone, famed for playing Sherlock Holmes in 14 movies from 1939-1945. As a huge Sherlock Holmes fan, this is a great way to honor something I love without going over the top and using the name Sherlock.While in the United States, it could be mispronounced as Bay-zil often, it's not such a big deal that I wouldn't use the name. It sounds beautiful and has a lot of great history behind it, and feels like a name that would really grow with a person.
It makes me think of a spice, not a regal person. I don't really like it. It's about as much a name as Cumin or Paprika.
I sort of like the name Basil, but it has an infantile feeling to it.
Awesome name, but I'd never name my kid this. It'd be a good name for a dog. Reminds me of the actor Basil Rathbone.
Stuffy, smarmy, weak, and nerdy. I can really see nothing good in this name. Liable to be pronounced incorrectly. The Russian form, Vasiliy, is a different story.
I think the name Basil is rather a nice name; I think it would suit someone with a grand, old, gentlemanly character. :)
I usually laugh when I think of this name. Mostly this is because of Basil Stag Hare, who is very hilarious and the first thing I think of when I hear this name.
I find it to be rather comical in nature.
Pardon me, but I cannot seem to discern any semblance of royalty in this name. Perhaps it's because I'm too used to seeing the name as the name of a herb. I never knew it derived from the Greek word for "king" until now.
I have always liked this name. I am not sure why; I just do. There's something almost regal about it.
To me Basil means, well, Basil. End of story. Now, Basilio, on the other hand, is better, without the nickname Basil.

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