Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name reminds me of a profane word that could lead to any child with this name, boy or girl, being ruthlessly picked on by other kids.
Logically this should be a female name because of the meaning, but it would sound awful on a girl. It doesn't even look good on a boy.
Never heard of this name before. It’s completely underrated.
Sounds masculine even though it means female baker.
I wouldn't use it on a boy because of the obvious feminine meaning, but I really cannot imagine this on a girl.
Name your girl with this edgy name. I mean it means female baker and has the annoying trend -XT. There isn’t anything wrong with it?
-_- many other names in life than this.
Baxter sounds very masculine. I can't see the feminine in the name. I don't get why people are trying to give boy names to girls like Blake. I honestly see Jordan as a boy name but I'm fine with it being a unisex name. But anyways, I really don't get it.
Baxter means “female baker”. I prefer Baxter as a girl’s name. While there are a lot of names with meanings associated with male that are more acceptable for girls and mostly for girls like Paige and Madison, any name with a female definition like “female baker” would be too feminine for a boy. Though this name does sound masculine to me, I could never use it for a boy. I don’t want my son to be referred to as a “girly male baker” by all of the kids at the school. When you’re a girl, you can have a feminine or masculine name, be a tomboy or a girly girl, wear a skirt or shorts, and play with girly toys or boyish toys, and do anything without being ridiculed. But when you’re a boy, you can have a masculine name, just not a feminine name at all. You can’t be a girly male, you have to be manly, you can wear shorts but not a skirt, you can play with boyish toys, but nothing girly, and you’ll only be ridiculed when you act too feminine for a male. I think female is the best gender! Girls have more names than boys!
I think that Baxter needs a comeback as a feminine name. It is dignified with a simple, lively sound.
Too much of a surname and a dog's name in order for me to ever take it seriously as a first name.
The name Baxter was given to 58 baby boys born in the US in 2012.
I love this name for a dog.
This name makes me picture a middle-aged guy in Hawaiian shirts and spiky, bleached hair who lies on the couch and watches trashy programs on TV while thinking he's still really cool.
I think that Baxter is a lovely name for a dog.

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