Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think this name is very cute as a nickname but I can also see it being a full given name.
Bee all you can be, everyone! This nickname is super cute.
As someone who has apiphobia, I would never use this name.
All I can think of is the insect but such a cute nickname!
This is such a cute name. I would love to have a daughter that has this name. I know a few people who use Bee as a nickname for Elizabeth and I think it’s lovely and adorable. Even on someone older than 10.
This name is cute as heck, as a nickname, or as a legal name. Who cares what anyone else thinks. They're probably just jealous that they don't have a unique name.
I like Bea a lot better, I think this is too childish.
I think if you're wanting to do this for a nickname for Beatrice you should use Bea instead of BEE.
This nickname for Beatrice is cute, especially for a baby or toddler.
This can also be a diminutive for Brianna.
This is such a good name honestly, it's really cute but also refined and can be used for masculine or feminine.
I love bees and honey.
This is kinda silly as a given name.
SaltyLemon123456, this name is a shortened version of names such as ‘Beatrix, Beatrice’.
Not even good as a nickname.
Maybe should be a legal name. Bees are cute and underrated.
My parents gave me Bee as my first name (it’s not short for anything, and I am a girl) and I used to hate it when I was little as I would be picked on for it, but now I am older I love having a unique name that no one else has. Everyone I meet comments on how cute and unique the name is and I agree, I love it now!
It is a girl's name though Beatryce/Beatrice can also be shortened to Trice. This is a pansy name for boys.
Sounds like a boys name and it reminds me of the insect (the Bee).
This is a nice short form for boy names as well that begin with the letter 'b'. I think Bee's a cute and sweet nickname. :D.
The spelling "Bee" reminds me of the stinging insect. BZZZZZZ. If you want a nickname pronounced "Bee" it should be "Bea" or just the letter B.
Buz Buz Buzzzzzz. It's not a name, it's short for bumblebee.
Bees sting! Why would you want to give this as a legal name for your daughter? However, it's fine if it's a nickname for Beatrice or anything else starting with B.
Buzz Buzz Buzzzzzzzz.
I perfer the spelling Bea. Either way though, nobody's gunna miss the connection with the animal, but Bea just looks right. Though it makes sense to choose this variant if you're more concerned with people pronouncing it right, and not saying "Bee-ah".
Ah, and this is a name? Really? I thought a bee was an animal.
That's a cute nickname for Beatrix/Beatrice.

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