BEHNGKT in Swedish and English.
There was a boy that I knew in elementary through middle, even now in high school. His name, was Bengt, and he had one of the most common American last names ever, though I will not say it for the sake of his privacy. I told my dad about him and we would always laugh about how much of a weird name that is.
Bengt Magnusson is a Swedish journalist and a TV presenter at TV4. Magnusson studied at Journalisthögskolan I Stockholm and was employed at the Sveriges Radio in 1973. In the late 1970s, he worked for Sveriges Radio Stockholm and came in 1979 to TV and Sveriges Television, where he worked in TV-sporten program. In 1985 Magnusson moved to host the Rapport, where he stayed until 1987 when he moved to host Stockholm regional news in ABC-nytt program in TV2.
Bengt Ekerot, actor, who played Death in the legendary Bergman movie Det sjunde inseglet (The Seventh Seal).
Sort of boring and old fashioned. My grandpa's name is Bengt.
It is pronounced "Benkt".
[noted -ed]
Sort of old fashioned in Sweden now, not common for boys born recently. Benke is a common nickname.

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