Comments (Personal Impression Only)

So dated.
It's a lot better than Bethany tbh.
3/10I'm sorry to any Beths reading this, but I just don't really like it. Sure, it might be cute on an old lady, but not a little kid. I think it is a sweet name, and that's its saving grace. Much love to the Beths out there!
Do people really hate "Beth" that much? I think it's lovely.
Beth is an annoying name. Sorry, but I can only tolerate this name on old women. Elizabeth is much more acceptable.
My name is Beth, a short form of my name Elizabeth. I hated how people call me Bethany because my nickname is Beth, as if I wanted to be called that. If you know someone who goes by Beth and wants you to only call her that, then just call her Beth for god's sake.
I highly recommend this as a middle name for a daughter!
Well, what is this. Alright, let's say this would be just fine as a nickname for Elizabeth, but not as a full name, because, it's just so boring. Why not just give Elizabeth as a full name and then Beth as one of the variations of any nicknames Elizabeth has. Seriously, Beth as a full name is just so plain, so boring.
I like it.
Pretty. I've always like this name too, especially as a middle name.
I don’t like it. I’m not a fan of B names, first off (Check my personal name list!) and it doesn’t sound very pleasant at all.
Beth sounds like bad breath. It’s just an ugly word unfortunately. I love Th sounds in names but this just misses the mark. Quite possibly my least favourite name. It’s just blah. Although every person I have met with this name has been lovely :)
Well to be quite frank I have read some of the comments people have left about the name Beth and I do not appreciate or like it. My name is Beth, my mom named me after her best friend who passed away and some of the things people are saying about what they think of the name is actually rather judgmental.
Impresses me as a person who needs a ton of sympathy for her miserable bawl baby life.
Forty one percent of people polled think the name Beth is comedic. I agree.
The name Beth is a good one for someone who is a constant talker.
Beth is a nice nickname, but not a proper given name.
I like Beth as a nickname from Bethan the most. It's also good as a nickname of Elizabeth, although there are many other nicknames for this name that I like more. I don't care for it as a nickname from Bethany, 'cause I just really don't like Bethany. Beth is nice on its own, although very short and not really my style as a full name. I like how Beth is so quiet and light a name, but at the same time has some strength which in my opinion can make it a good name both for a Beth March type of girl, or for a more leader-like personality. I like "Little Women" and Beth March and that's why among other reasons, I like this name. Now I'm learning Welsh and recently I found out that Beth in Welsh means "what" which I thought at first was odd and can be a disadvantage of this name when you have any Welsh connections, but I've also noticed that there are quite many Beths in Wales so I guess that people there don't really care for what it means.
My name is Elizabeth, but growing up I was just Beth. I used to hate it when someone called me Elizabeth because it sounded too formal, but when I was in college, a friend confessed that she thought Beth sounded like a "peasant name" and that I should consider going by the more regal Elizabeth. Shortly afterward, when I moved to a new state and had no one around to call me Beth, I started introducing myself as Elizabeth. Now I think Beth sounds a bit dated and dowdy, and I prefer the more classic Elizabeth. I feel more regal now, too.
Great name, love it.
Beth in my mind will always be a nickname for Elizabeth, Bethany and Bethania. I just like it better that way.
Beth is not nerdy at ALL to me! She was the prettiest girl in our class who left private school because it was keeping her down. Beth can be strong and mouthy. Beth is not nerdy. Beth is cool.
I don't really like the name Beth, but if I were to name my child Bethany there would be no way I would let anyone call her Beth because it just sounds weird.
My name is Beth. I do have a middle name, but I was named after an Aunt. Also, likely because the name has religious associations. I love my name. Folks often think I am an Elizabeth or a Bethany but I make sure they understand I will not respond to those names. My father named me Beth Marie and I love that gift from him more than any other he could give me.
My name is Beth, named after two grandmothers named Elizabeth (not spelled the same). I also don't have a middle name. I have always felt cheated I only have a nickname not a real full name. I was told it is because my dad had two middle names and hated that. My mom always called me Beth Lynn which I don't like. My favorite nickname given by a friend is Betharoo. At least all my nicknames are creative.
This is mean of me to post, but I have just always thought Beth was the ugliest name. I honestly can't think of a worse (modern) name for girls.
Beth is the ugliest name ever. Seriously.
Nerd central. Unless it's short for Elizabeth... it's just lame.
Lovely name. Simple, sweet, quietly elegant, sounds soft.
I 100% hate the name 'Bethany' but I don't mind the name 'Beth'. I think the name Beth makes a great middle name. For example, the combo 'Carly Beth' works really well! =) (There is a character called Carly Beth Caldwell who is in a book called The Haunted Mask by R. L. Stine.) I honestly do think the name Beth is best to be used as a middle though, rather than as a first name. I think it's too short, simple, plain and boring as a first name. :| As a middle name, however, the name Beth is totally super awesome! =)
Hmm, actually I've changed my mind! I think Beth would make a really cute first name! It's great as either a middle name or as a first name. =D And I don't hate the name Bethany anymore. Beth and Bethany are both nice names. If anyone is interested in any suggestions, I recommend the cute names Bethel and Bethan. :3.
I thought this name suited a cool, quiet, composed girl when I was a teenager.Now I think it's too dry by itself and would be better to have a full name and this be the nickname. I also have a friend who's mom is named just Beth and it sounds stuffy. Perhaps it's the way they pronounce it in this state of the U.S.?
The name Beth was only given to 47 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
Really only nick name.
This is my mother's name. In her case, it is not a nickname for Elizabeth. I like Beth, but I prefer this name by itself instead of it being a nickname for Elizabeth. The name Beth is due for a comeback now.
Boring. There are better nicknames for Elizabeth: Lizzie, Eliza, Liza, Liz, Buffy ... The list goes on.
This is part of my mom's name, Mary Beth (short for Mary Elizabeth). I like it, it's so sweet and pretty-it's my favorite nickname for Elizabeth! Not a fan of it on its own though.
One of the better nicknames for Elizabeth.
I really like the name Beth, Bethan, Bethanny. I like them all.
YUCK! Boring as Elisabeth, it is an old person's name.
Elizabeth is my favorite name, and so far my favorite nicknames are Lilly and Beth. My mom hates the name Beth by itself, saying it "rhymes with Death." I suppose it does, but that's not what I'm immediately reminded of. I like Beth.
Who knows, I might just combine them both and call her Lilibeth! :-)
My favorite nickname for Elizabeth. It sounds incomplete on its own, so a nickname is the only way I'd ever use it.
I don't like this name at all. It is just so short and dull and kind of just falls flat.
I love this name! If my name were Elizabeth, I'd go by Beth instead of Lizzy.
My sisters name is Beth. My Mum named her after the Kiss song, kind of music my Mum was into. It's not Elizabeth or Bethany, and many people will try and lengthen thinking that it's just a short version of something else. I think it's pretty.
I think it goes well with the name Lucy. Lucy Beth is a lovely name.
Way more mature sounding than Liz or Lizzy. I like it, but not as a full name.
When I hear the name Beth I think of a little girl with a round face and curly blonde hair, I'm not sure why I think of this but I just do.
My mom's name is Beth and my middle name is Beth for her. Her mom's name was Elizabeth. I think it's been great as a middle name, but my mom says that she has always disliked, or rather just wished her name was something more. The nickname her dad called her was Bethy. If I am ever blessed with a daughter I would consider this as a middle name.
I don't care for this nickname too much, if my name was Elizabeth I'd rather be called by Elizabeth not Beth.
Beth is such a pretty, sweet name. I love it.
My mom had a friend named Beth and she died. And Beth March from Little Woman also died, so this name always makes me feel sad.
Beth is a sweet, pretty name for a girl. Used either as an independent name or a nickname for Bethan, Bethany or Elizabeth it is a great name.

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