Comments (Personal Impression Only)

In Vietnamese: Yes!
In English: NOOOO!If it didn't look like...this, I would like it a lot more.
Don't judge people because they are named this way. If you name your child this, then it's better if you don't live in an English-Speaking country.
PLEASE, oh PLEASE DO NOT name your daughter this! It's too close to the English swear word... it's totally fine in Vietnamese, tho.
This is a big NO NO!
Sounds like they let the baby's sibling name them.
It's even worse that the name is feminine...
Nice in Vietnamese, but should not be used in English-speaking countries.
Not in English, but great in Vietnamese.
Don't name your kid this, even if you don't live in an English-speaking country. The English language is becoming more and more widespread and more than once a person named Bích is going to be made fun of, period. Not only that, but the name Bích has a kind of weird meaning: "bluish green." Wow, isn't that a beautiful, symbolic meaning for a name? (That was sarcasm.) Not trying to be rude, but this is kind of a bad name...
Don't name your child this in an English speaking country PLEASE.
I wouldn’t be able to name my child this because whenever I say his/her name, I would get called out for using the swear word that is close to b****! Sorry, bizarre name, offensive. It may sound pretty in Vietnamese but not in English.
What if someone named Bich had the last name Ho?
Absolutely not.
I'm sorry. This name is bad for obvious reasons. Just... no.
It may sound nice in Vietnamese, but in English it sounds too close to the word "bitch".
I like it. I know what it means, but I still like and by the way: How many Vietnamese people actually speak English? Come on, in their language it's a great name.
WOW. I am surprised this is an actual name. If you plan on living in a country that has absolutely no one who speaks English and the child has no chance of coming into contact with English speaking people I would say go right ahead, but otherwise don't even think about it, it's practically child abuse.
For the sake of the child, please don't name him/her this name in an English-speaking country. It is spelled too close to the swear word and English speakers will probably pronounce it that way.
I agree with CharlieRob. This is just a weird name to name your child. Don't name your kid this. PLEASE.
Too close to the swear word. No.
I will not name my daughter this! Bich can mean... you know... It's not good.

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