Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Old Biddy. Seriously?
Nope. There's the phrase "old Biddy". Other than that, it just sounds silly.
So ridiculous. It’s an awful diminutive.
A little tiny, tiny, Biddy bit. (: Biddy is usually reference to a small amount.
Biddy is currently used by teens and young adults as a word to describe girls who frequent the party scene.
My husband and I call our newborn daughter Brigit by the nickname Biddy or Biddy-Bee. I used to dislike this nickname, but after having Brigit, it just seemed to come naturally.
My friend always calls an old lady an "Old Biddy." I am sure she's not the only one who does either. Not advised.
I love this name; it's so sweet! I don't think I would give it as a full name; rather I'd prefer to call my daughter Bridget and call her Biddy for short. I think it would also work as a nickname for Britney, Brianna, etc.
Would be cute if not for the now disparaging use, such as 'old Biddy'.
Biddy is an old lady's name.
A biddy is two things: 1. a baby chicken. and 2. a bad-tempered old lady. Nuff said.
A ridiculous and terrible thing to do to the elegant, dignified Brighid.

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