Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Nice name and all, but the *ahem*, "American association" kinda bugs me. But the meaning is really cool, and very noble :)
Bile, as in the digestive fluid? Ick.
Yikes, this spelling...
The history, meaning, and pronunciation of the name are fascinating, but the spelling it has ended up with is unfortunate. Considering how the spelling has likely changed since the name first came into existence I would highly (HIGHLY) recommend changing the name again if you want to use it. Something similar to Beelay, Bilay, Beelé, etc. Would work much better. Once again, this is probably not the original spelling of the name. Feel free to change it one more time.
Bile as in stomach contents/vomit?No thank you. A ridiculous and utterly useless name. Any child named this would get teased. MERCILESSLY. To the extent of years and decades of counseling.
Bile means vomit in English so I do NOT advise this name. AT ALL.
Yuck. Bile is a substance secreted by the liver. Why use this as a name?
I would recommend naming the child "Belenus." That way, you can still use the name "Bile" as a nickname, and you can change the spelling if you ever move to an English-speaking country.
"A bitter, alkaline, yellow or greenish liquid, secreted by the liver, that aids in absorption and digestion, esp. of fats."Are you still considering calling your kid this now?
I don't care how it's pronounced, the spelling puts me off majorly.
Ewwwww! don't get me started on how gross this name is.
Yuck! I don't mean to offend anyone, but calling a child "Bile" is not nice. The English meaning is quite vulgar.

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