Bojana Stamenov is a Serbian singer and musician best known for performing soul, jazz and R&B music, who represented Serbia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2015 with the song "Beauty Never Lies". She also participates in performances for children in the Boško Buha Theatre in Belgrade. Stamenov had her first concert on 13 June, in Sava Centar in Belgrade, while working on her debut album. The singer has announced that all the records will be in English.
One famous person who has this name is the Serbian singer, Bojana Stamenov.
The name Bojana is a SLAVIC name.. Not Bulgarian... Because Bulgaria fell under the influence of the Slavs..!
Serbian actress Bojana Novaković.
In Slovenia, it's pronounced bo-YA-na, but in many other countries they say BOY-a-na.
The origin of the name is Turkish. It means rich, wealthy. Common name among Slavs - Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia and Bulgaria.
The name BOJANA doesn't mean rich/wealthy. It means "Battle", and its origin is from the Balkan, and not from Turkey.
In Serbia, it's pronounced "BOI-ah-nah."
Also a name which can't be more Bulgarian than this. It's important for it to be well known that names like Bojana (Boyanna), Borjana (Boryana) and Biljana (Bilyana) are ORIGINALLY BULGARIAN and not Serbian, Russian, etc. The name Boyanna is ancient and rich with historic examples for its Bulgarian origin. [noted, under Boyana -ed]
My name is Bojana, or in English Boyanna, but I'm not a boy named Anna, Bojana is one word so, please do not make two. There is also a river at the south of Montenegro, Serbia&Montenegro, named Bojana!
A Bulgarian name. Also the name of a village outside Sofia.

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