Also used among the English Romani community in the 1800s: -- Brittania Hearn 8 Scholar Ruslip Mx -- Brittannia Boswell 14 Hereford Worcs
Brittania sounds pretentious and over-the-top. I never liked Brittany, but I'd definitely choose that over this.
Brittania is a fairly old name but is an alternate form of Brittany.
Yuck. Brittany by itself is a nice name, so why make it into this? Brittania sounds pretentious and it will look ridiculous in Britain.
This is a lovely name, and very refreshing since it sounds less like Britney Spears, who seems to have left her "career" in the toilet.
Rule, Brittania!
Britannia is a name of Britain - NOT Britania. Nice name though.
I HATE the name Britney (or Brittany or Brittani or any other spelling you can come up with), but Brittania is rather refreshing. Brit is a cute nickname. But PLEASE--do NOT name your daughter Britney. Do you really want her associated with Britney Spears her entire life?

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