Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I grew up with a girl named Britton; she was a very sweet girl, but I’ve never cared for her name. I prefer the name Britney to the name Britton, though it does sound very nice…I just don’t like how Britton is similar to Britain. This name would be a very nice nod to my vast English heritage, though.
Our son Britton was born in 1993, named after my husband's great grandmother's brother. We have English heritage on both sides of our family. We have only met 2 other men, and 1 woman with this name and spelling. Of course, we love the name!
I like this name for a girl. Could be spelled Britton, Brittan, or Britten.
My son's name. We live in a city of 380,000 and there are two other males in our city with this name (notified by strangers who also named their sons Britton). It's great on boys -- we always get complimented. His last name has "rit" in it also and his grandfather is from England so it's justified. It's one of those boy/girl names. Since it is a last name for both male and females it can not be dismissed as a girls-only name. LOVE IT!
This name screams GIRL GIRL GIRL to me.
Sounds far too much like 'Britain'. In fact, it sounds exactly alike, and the spelling being different doesn't help much. Not a name to move to Europe with, especially to Britain, of course. Besides, if you use the nickname Britt, it sounds quite feminine indeed. At least name the kid Bretton if you like the sound. Bretton doesn't sound like 'Britain', not too blatantly anyway, and the guy can go by Brett.
I love this name! So unique, such a strong name. Very sexy name.
Very lady-like if you ask me!
Lady-like? Dude, what are you on?Like the previous person, Britain and its Britons, enough said.
I love this name! I think it's a boy name and it can be spelled Britain.

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