Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Not pretty imo. Spelled like ‘bro’, pronounced like a ‘bra’… not good.
This name would make a fitting tribute for lovers of Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights. While the original spelling is Brontë (which I personally think looks nicer), it might confuse modern English speakers. While the Bronte family pronounced their surname "brun-tee", as a given name, I have only heard it pronounced as "bron-tay".
Bronte is such a beautiful and elegant name for a girl. I don’t really see it for a boy though! Bronte seems too feminine to me, like Blondie. I still think this name is adorable.
With the umlaut (ë) it should be pronounced bron-tee, with a short 'o'. My name is Bronte without the umlaut but I say it with one anyway because it sounds better...
It was a bit hard to grow up with, but I got some pretty good nicknames and it definitely inspired me to read more.
There is also a crappy little caravan park in Tasmania called Bronte Park. It does have a pretty cool rope swing over the creek though :)
I have three daughters and we named our third daughter, Bronte. I first heard the name a long time ago in the movie, Green Card. I fell in love with the name then. I passed on using it for my first two daughters, whose names are Taylor and Kate. Then I said, well, if I ever have a third daughter, I'll name her Bronte and voila! I love how unique it is and elegant and it has a cute factor too. I don't know if many people noticed this particular part of the movie, Green Card, but there is a scene where Andy McDowell is upset with Gérard Depardieu as usual. But anyway, he calls her Bron-tay and she corrects him and says, "It's Bron-tee", in a quiet way actually. And I noticed that every other minor character in the film, all her friends and acquaintances call her Bron-tay. She never corrects any of them but she does correct him. I think it shows she cares that he pronounces her name correctly cause she loves him and of course wants him to know the real her. It's a little subtle part of the film that I appreciated. ;-) We use the Bron-tee pronunciation also. But when folks call my daughter Bron-tay, I don't mind and I don't correct them unless they ask. It doesn't bother me. But all our close friends and relative pronounce it the way we intended.
I love it. It's my sisters name. Though everyone pronounces it Bron-tee, she goes by Bron-tay.
This would sound beautiful on a girl, especially as a middle name! :)
After being reintroduced to the movie Green Card in 2001 with Andie MacDowell & Gérard Depardieu, there was never going to be any other name for our daughter than 'Bronte' - our pronunciation is [Brawn]-[tay]. To help avoid any confusion with how to say her name, we altered the spelling to Brontae. We constantly get compliments on how lovely her name is.
My name is Bronte and I'm a female. I love this name because it reflects great writers long ago and it truly is orginal. It's better to be different than to be all the same.
I think the Brawn-tey (rhyming with Dante) pronunciation sounds strong and incredibly masculine. Because the name is associated with the Bronte sisters (and female literature, poetry, feminism, etc.) it spoils it a little for boys because many people think 'girly' even though it's a neutral-masculine surname. I don't know why I really like this name- but for boys only. However, I probably wouldn't name my son Bronte because of the associations.
I think Brontë would make a great middle name (feminine).
The 'bogan' comment above made me laugh. This is a name popular with pseudo-intellectuals.
One word: BOGAN.
Ah and I do love the Cyclops connection. Real sweet. :)
My girlfriend's name is Bronte. After knowing her I really can't see the name used for a boy.
I love this name, I think I'd use it more as a middle name just because there are a few more names that I love more than this one and don't plan on having 6 or 7 kids. I like it better as a girls name but I guess it would be nice for a boys name too.
I do think that this is a rather feminine name. I just can't picture a boy with it! But it is such a cool name, and I love the Bronte sisters' works. My favorite combo for this is Bronte Evangeline.
Seems like a very feminine name to me. Beautiful!
I like it as a girl's name.
I think it's beautiful for a girl.

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