Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds cute, simple, and floral as it means.
I always thought this name was a feminine version of Brian. It’s only now with looking it up have I realised that this is an unrelated name. But I like it.I really don’t get the embryo thing since the first y in Bryony and the y in embryo are pronounced differently (“ee” and “eye”). Certainly never crossed my mind and personally, I struggle to care.
It would look a lot better if it was Brioney. The 2 Y'S look immature.
The look of it is honestly rather unappealing and even a bit unfeminine.
It reminds me of Briony in atonement. But I think it is quite pretty.
This name seems to be only popular with British women.
Bryony reminds of an embryo. Disgusting.
I love the name personally. I think it's beautiful and unique.
Really unique.
I love this name. I am aware that it is comparatively rare in the USA, but it's in regular use here in the UK. It isn't popular, but isn't particularly unusual, either. Bryony is the original, and my preferred spelling, but Briony is fine, and a well-established alternative. Many people assume that this plant name is a feminine version of Brian or Bryan, but there is no connection between Bryony/Briony and Brian/Bryan, other than the names happening to have a similar sound. I believe that Brianne and Brianna are feminine forms of Brian/Bryan. Bryony is pronounced "briar-nee", for the most part.
UGLY UGLY UGLY name! If you're crazy enough to name your baby girl this weird name, you can expect her being called "Bryony the Embryony" all through her school years.
I prefer Briony because it's more delicate.
Love the name -- my mother read the name in a book long before getting pregnant with me, and couldn't remember how to spell the name, so I ended up with two R's -- Bryrony. It has always been a difficult name for people to pronounce, but I get complimented on my name almost every day. I go by Bry mostly (pronounced like cry, dry, try, etc...). I had considered changing my legal name to Bryony when I was changing my last name to my now married name, but decided to stick with Bryrony. Bryony is very uncommon in the USA. I have only personally met one other girl with the name Bryony. I do know of two others with the name Bryrony, thanks to social media.
First of all as a Briony myself I can clarify that Bryony is not in anyway a "classier" version, in fact it's a more common version of the spelling. Secondly it's not Bri-ah-nee and if people were to pronounce it like that when calling my name they would instantly complete the stages of aggravating me. The "proper" pronunciation of the name is Bri-oh-nee. Thirdly Bryony or Briony get shortened to Bri-Bri... which, let's be honest, is a strippers nickname.
Eeeew, reminds me of an embryo.
I LOVE this name, I find it so adorable and lovely. It seems that people either love it or hate it. I used to dislike it, but it's grown on me so much.
This name isn't used a lot, but I don't really like it. It sounds like Brian with a y at the end, and the pronunciation is a bit clumsy and muddled sounding. Everybody likes different things but I think some people are attracted to certain names simply because they are rare, rather than really liking the name truly for it's sound and structure, which is what counts the most. There are many more popular names than Bryony that are also much nicer.
This name is pretty. I love the double Y. It looks heaps better than Briony.
To be truthful, I do not understand the obsession with this name. It is neither pleasing nor fulfilling. I can say with sure confidence that I am correct in foreseeing the near future a rapid increase in the use of "Bryony" and such names like "Brianna," "Kaycee," "Jaylin," Kaydyn," and the sort. "Fad" names. "Trend" names. Appealing? I think not. Nor do they give the slightest impression of intelligence. Perhaps for a spoiled little Southern Pageant baby. Definitely not the definition of brains.
Choose a name your child will thank you for later in life. I certainly cannot imagine a lawyer named "Bryony Ferris," or "Jaycee Towns."As a parting note; Am I the only living being who has realized the meaning is "To Swell"?
Hi, my name is Briony and I pronounce it BRI-OH-NEE.
The comment from Francesca regarding this name is rather harsh and reminds me strongly of the infamous interview of Katie Hopkins on This Morning Program in the UK (link below) name is not an American "fad" it is a classic British name. It may not give you the "slightest impression of intelligence" but I will have you know I achieved an A in every exam I have ever sat. I am a Medical Student at university and a soon to be dental surgeon. To many people I am the "definition of brains". I could have been a lawyer if I wanted or any other 'important' career, my name has not held me back and I am regularly complimented on it.If anyone is considering this name please do not let Francesca's comment dim your view, a name does not make someone unintelligent, with loving parents and support anyone can achieve. I love my classical British name, it comes from the English wild flower Bryony and it has many meanings one of which is "to grow luxuriantly".
I much prefer Briony - I don't like the look of the double Y's.
I love the name Bryony! It has a strong feeling to it and is also great because it is so uncommon. However, unless you live in a place where it is a common name, I wouldn't use it because it sounds too much like Brian or Brainy.
I think this name is so cute!
Aww such a cute name. =)
It's very cute and youthful.
This name is the best name in the world! I love this name! It's so cute and fashionable!
This is a beautiful name. :D
Bryony is a very beautiful name. It is one of my favorites.

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