Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Is this actually a real name? Because I’m just thinking of dogs, or Buster Keaton, but mostly dogs… and Prince Buster.
As someone named Buster, it’s honestly funny seeing all the comments about my name. I don’t get why everyone says this name is so bad though, everyone I’ve met said either “oh cool!”, “Buster Posey?” Or “Really?”. I don’t know I guess it’s all up to preference.
I watched Arthur a lot when I was younger, so now when I hear this name I think of Arthur. And it DOES sound like a rabbit name! Whoever said that it was for dogs…?P.S I would only use this name as a nickname for a human. Don’t see how it would work as an actual name.
Reminds me of a bad word. Also, I can't help thinking of: Ooh, Buster got busted! This is one of the WORST NAMES OUT THERE.
I hate this name so much! Even bad for a pet! DON'T and I mean DON'T USE THIS NAME AT ALL! Use Rufus for a human instead, that's better than this horrible, nasty, obnoxious, babyish, mean name!
This name reminds me of Arthur (also probably why some see it as a rabbit name) and I cannot imagine a man with this name being taken seriously.
Rabbit name.
Dog name. Just dog name.
Buster ROCKS! Wait til you meet my Buster--and we'll see who can't be taken seriously.
Sounds like a good name for a dog or a rabbit (the latter probably due to Buster Bunny), but it sounds ridiculous on a person. It makes me think of thugs.
An immature, silly name that shouldn't even be used as a nickname. How could a man named Buster be taken seriously?
It's okay for a nickname, not a real name.
Good name for a dog but not a person.
My furry white cat is named Buster. I would hate this name for a human, but it is an okay name for a male pet.

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