Comments (Personal Impression Only)

There are literally so many Kayley spellings out there. Some of them make literally noo sense at all! Can't we all stick to Kayley or Kaylee?
I normally hate names ending with leigh (I don’t know anyone who doesn’t) but I think this variant is quite pretty.
Horrible spelling.
I named my 12 year old daughter Caileigh Madisyn. I chose her name because it is pretty, unique, and reflects our Irish heritage. I know Madisyn isn't Irish, but it's still pretty and unique (Madison is too common of a spelling). I get so many compliments on her name! It is a wonderful name that I recommend to anyone! (btw she has a twin sister)
To all the haters: this name is NOT "babyish" or "ugly". Y'all probably have names that are just that, so you come here to talk crap about how much you dislike beautiful names like this one.
This name is not Irish. It’s American.
This name is not, and never will be, Irish.
Ugly spelling.
This is my middle name. Never loved it, never hated it.
The extra "G" seems kind of odd, to me for some reason. But I think the name sounds nice however you choose to spell it for your daughter. :)
I think this spelling is too much. If you're going with this spelling of the name, use Caleigh. The extra I is just too much. And it's not "try to be Irish", it's just using a language convention, like Ph as F. It's just using our weird language's weird spelling conventions.
Contrary to popular belief, I think this name is gorgeous. It's going on my list.
Makes me think of phlegm.
This name screams babyish! It's so ugly and someone with this name won't be taken seriously.
It doesn't matter how many extra "i" and "gh" you throw in, this name is not and will never be Irish.

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