Can be pronounced also as ‘ka-lei’.
Caleigh Peters is an American studio executive and former singer-songwriter. She is the daughter of film producer Jon Peters. She is the goddaughter of Barbra Streisand.
This name could and should be pronounced like Callie as well.
Honestly disgusting, looks like it would be pronounced like the beautiful name Callie, but modernized. It's awful with all these other -leigh names.
Looks like it would be pronounced like Callie is.
Oh my god, this is even worse than Kaylee.
What a tackeigh and trasheigh name.
The dreadful Kaylee spin-offs.
This is my sister's name and she pronounces it Callie.
I don't like this name because it reminds me of the name Callie which I hate.
No, this name is not Gaelic. It is a recently invented Modern English name. It has no meaning.
Caleigh is Gaelic from the name Caley meaning "from the forest".
Can also be spelt Caley - this is the only spelling I have seen used in NZ.
Calleigh Duqeusne is from CSI: Miami.
Comes from the word Ceilidh, which is Irish Gaelic for the Dance. It is a festival of music and dancing celebrated in ancient Ireland.
We spell my daughter's name Caley, she was born in 1985.

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