Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I like the name and the meaning, but it reminds me of the Cambrian Explosion.
I like this name. It sounds melodic. It has nice nickname potential too, like Cam or Bri. It does remind me of the Cambrian period, but that just makes the name more interesting in my opinion.
My name is actually Cambria but many people pronounce it like (Cam-brya) instead of how it originally is pronounced as (Cam-bree-a)
I know my name is quite unique and I like that but it's weird how I've never met anyone with my name!
I only like this name because my favorite beach in California is in Cambria, right on the pacific coast highway. I don't think I'd ever use it as a name though.
I named my daughter Cambriella and we call her Ella. I think it's a beautiful, unusual name.
I'm extremely surprised this name is not popular right now. I feel it will rise soon. I first heard this name on a young, lively girl so that is what I think of when I hear or read it.
Car names are non-consequential considering they pass and change every year or so.
I've seen the variation Cambrya. Personally, I don't like it as the pronunciation may be misconstrued as Cam-Bry-uh instead of Cam-bree-uh.
Boy, does this name suck. It sounds like the name of a car ('Experience the new 2012 Cambria!'). Cold, sterile, and completely lifeless.
Reminds me of Cambridge, which is a city, not a name.
It's ugly and half the name of a pop punk band.
I love this name! It's beautiful and the type of name that never sounds dated.
I find this name supremely ugly.
It's different and pretty.

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