Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I haven't heard this name at all in real life and I find that to be so sad since this is such a beautiful name! I love the potential nicknames of Cammy, Mel, Lia, and Melly so much so too!
Beautiful! However easily confused with Camilla.
Camellia... a delectable, white-colored title which heralds the cool rise of spring after a quiet, contemplative winter. A symbol of everlasting purity, I imagine she will blossom into a simple, beautiful, exquisite flower. In my daydreams, she is a girl in a flowing white dress with flowers entwined in her hair. Clasping a book to her chest, she wanders into an alluring forest thicket with wide eyes, her heart open to the mysteries that surround her. In her presence, there is a sense of peace and calm that permeates the air like the scent of blooming flowers. She moves with graceful purpose, her steps guided by a deep reverence for the vein of the natural world... her soul is entwined with the ever-repeating rhythms of the earth.
It's very pretty, but it will take me a bit to warm up to it. The flower itself is very pretty.
Such a pretty name.
This is a very underrated and ignored name. I will most likely name my daughter this. It's not as common as Camilla or Camille, and it sounds even prettier.
Beautiful! I love it! Sounds elegant, gracious, and sophisticated.
Love it even though I don’t really think much of Camila or Camilla.
I think of a nice girl who is pretty and creative and is very bright.
Love it! I like the combination of Camellia Jade. If I ever have a daughter one day, this will be her name. I can't get over how similar Camellia sounds to Camilla.
I really like Camellia! It's a charming name, and it isn't overused.
I really love this name. It's so pretty, sophisticated, and delicate. I knew a girl named Camellia but before that, I named my white cat Camellia.
I hate how it begins with camel.
It sounds like Chameleon. Pretty nonetheless.
Very pretty. Also the name of an old Hall & Oates song, something about a beautiful dancer leaving behind the man who fell in love with her.
This is a lovely name, but unfortunately, my impression of it will always be framed by the character bearing this name in a book I read.
It is a sweet and exquisite. Very feminine in an unfrilly way. Very artistic.
This is such a pretty, underused botanical name. And the camellia shrub, with its huge blossoms, is so gorgeous.

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