Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I remember using Carlene for a main character's name when I was younger. I liked how it was pronounced and the meaning. Now it kind of reminds me of cars, but I still like the name. It's interesting :]
My sister’s name is Carleen, not spelled like the original. Maybe I am biased, but it’s a very feminine sounding name. It’s rare. It isn’t a run of the mill name, like Britney (including all the different ways to spell it) or Ashley, or Jennifer.
Sounds like a redneck version of Carly. It's rather unattractive.
Yuck! I prefer Marlene or Darlene.
Carlene is pretty and very stylish. I also love the spelling Karlene.
Carlene is a lovable, mature and gorgeous name for a girl. It makes a GREAT middle name! (:
Not the prettiest name ever, but it's a heck of a lot better than the overused, childish, immature "Carly" and all its trashy variants.
Sorry, but this is one of those old-fashioned country girl names that make me picture a middle-aged housewife with a thick Southern drawl who isn't very bright.
I have a really good friend named Carleena (a variant of the name) and I absolutely love it!
I have only met one Carlene and she was about 67 years old. It's not a bad name, I kind of like it.

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