Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's an excellent name. Our youngest daughter is named Leonora after my great grandmother Lenore and my husband's biological grandfather named Leo. We could not agree on a middle name until I was rereading Gone with the Wind and read the passage where they introduced Carreen O'Hara as "written in the family Bible as Caroline Irene but always called Carreen". I had 2 more great grandmothers named Karoline and Irene. It was a perfect fit.So, it does have it's place in naming a girl. I've only ever asked where I got it and what it means. :)It is a mouthful to say with our last name though, holy moly.
And then the stray mine cart Carreened out of control, hit the wall, and smashed into a thousand splinters! Um, no, my child's probably not going to have this name.

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