Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds kind of sour, and harsh. Maybe in part because it has the 'acid' sound. I don't like it, but if I heard it on a person I would bat an eye, because despite being unpleasant it is pretty popular and basic.
I really love Cassidy because it's a bright, lovely, and joyous name. It sounds like the name of someone with a cheerful, and thoughtful personality.
My name is Cassidy, and to be honest, my mother and grandmother wanted me to be named Crystal (since my last name is Diamond) or Carissa, but nah, Dad named me Cassidy after a character on the Dragon TV show named Cassie. People told me when I was a kid that my name was a boy's name, thus I never liked it. But as I've gotten older, I've come to prefer my given name, Cass, and I'm only called Cassidy on rare occasions, usually when I'm in trouble.
My name is Cassidy. I don't particularly like the name, reminds me of the country western series "Hopalong Cassidy". Not sure what my parents were thinking when they named me so I've always gone by Cassi. I like the name Cassi a lot better!
I used to be obsessed with fnaf a year ago, and I still sort of like it, so I guess that’s why I love this name so much lol.
I like this name, it's pretty. Cassi and Cass are cute nicknames.
Nah, not my liking. I like Cassandra a lot better! (See my comment for Cassandra)
Just absolutely love it.
Aah, Cassidy. Gorgeous!
I liked Cassidy for a girl when I was a kid, but then I didn't think about this name for many, many years. I can't even tell you what brought this name back to my mind again, but it returned - and I like it (even love it) as much as I did in the 90s. As far as Cass- names go, I actually prefer it to Cassandra (though that is still pretty), which I fear will become dated in the future (Cassidy was never *as* popular as Cassandra).In terms of Cassidy's masculine usage, it makes sense since most surnames-as-first-names originally were masculine. However, when I think of famous male Cassidys (Cassidies?) - like Butch Cassidy, and David & Shaun Cassidy - it was always their *last* name, not their first. Though it's not out-of-bounds for men, I do believe (in the U.S. at least) that Cassidy has gone the way of Ashley.
The pink dragon from dragon tales was my favorite. I loved her name Cassie, too. When I learned there was a name called Cassidy as a 5 year old, I fell in love. I still really love this name and would consider it for a daughter.
Kinda weird, but the name isn't bad. At least, I think it's better than my actual name.
My name is Cassidy and I think it's more of a girl name than a boy name.
I love the name Cassidy, and if you read my username you may understand why- Cassidy, the child who possesses the Golden Freddy suit in the popular horror game series Five Nights at Freddy's. I like it because Cassidy is badass, very vengeful, and a pretty name.
Not bad, but I prefer Cassandra.
My name is Cassidy. I was named by my brother (4 years old at the time) who was watching Dragon Tails and suggested that my parents name me "Cassie" after the pink dragon from the show. My mom liked the longer version and opted to name me Cassidy. I go by Cassidy, Cassie, or Cass/Cas. Usually I just introduce myself as Cassidy and let people decide how to address me. I haven't met very many people with the name but I do know many who are named Cassandra and go by Cassie for short. I also have met a Casstidy but never a Cassidy.
My name is Gaige and I have an older sister named Kassydi. Kassydi is Cassidy but misspelled. It's a cool name, but she is smart, mean, and beautiful. I love the name Kassydi.
When I was younger I used to dislike last names as first names but currently I'm trying to be more modern.Cassidy is unisex. It means "curly-haired" so the meaning itself is kind of genderless.My only namesake for it is "Doc" Cassidy, a masculine character so in my mind it is more masculine than feminine but only because of that link so I can easily change my idea about it.Actually it is quite similar to Cressida so it is not bad on a girl.
My real name is Cassidy, and I'm female. I'd say "Cassidy" works best for both sexes quite equally. Nowadays, it's become more common for females, but it's still a neutral-gendered name. I go by "Cass" as a nickname, and I actually prefer to be called that since its meaning has more to unravel, it's complexly-meaningful, and feels more masculine and more like a real name to me... Also, what I feel about the meaning of this name is that Cassidy's are clever, very smart, unusual, unique, complex, and have beautiful features (i.e. Curly hair and an admirable personality), could be introverted and/or extroverted, but are more commonly ambiverts. They enjoy adventures and are curious of almost everything. They are wild, cat-like, and free-spirited and enjoy deep and meaningful things. Cassidys usually do well in school and impress so many people. They can have a mysterious aura, and are very hard to read. They are kind-hearted and most often empaths, could make great leaders but would rather not be a leader nor a follower. They're inspiring, awesome, and insightful. They're almost always misunderstood and underestimated, but still adore the thought of making others feel happy. Cassidys have their own unique and special personalities, and could often feel rare in this world. They're the type that if they were born as a Leo, they'd likely be highly introverted and likely known to be INFJ in Myers-Briggs-Type-Idicator. They're lovable and sweet but could also hurt you badly. They're unexpected and unpredictable, complex and creative. Cassidys learn quickly and become inspired by anything, and learn from everything they could grasp. They aren't like more common people where they think math doesn't teach you anything, they believe they could learn everything and apply it to everything to themselves and their lives from being taught math. And understand the concepts of learning and how their mind works. They're likely to be gifted in philosophy, analytical, cleverness, and creativity. They have powerful instinct and know and become fully prepared for what to do whenever there's remotely any danger around. They believe in harmony and respect, are beautiful souls and super kind and caring, bright and empathic people. But if negativity is taught to them and/or effecting them, they could easily become negative to blend in with others and try to fit in, but that's their childhood mistakes... As they get older, they're more mature, self-aware, and intelligent. Yet, still extremely childish for their age. That's a lot of what I see in people of the Cassidy name. And my name is also Cassidy... So yeah. Another thing to add is that I almost never encounter another person with the same name. This name is rare and difficult to find. And I also happen to have a lot of Irish in my blood, and it's an Irish-Origin name. Haha, it's quite ironic that most people of the Cassidy name have traits that share it's meaning. Lovely...I've just read this comment: "I hate it when people hate on this name! This is the name of my best friend! Don't you people realize that some poor Cassidy may be reading this and crying that you are calling her ugly and stupid!?! The name Cassidy means: That shy girl who just wants to accepted and still be herself. She is an artist with a passion. It could be painting, writing, or even singing. Maybe something else. She wants to make others happy, even if she just had the worst day ever. She is a wonder that no one understands, and she likes that. She is imperfect, and likes that. She sees things through a child's eyes, which means she sees things we don't. She is a wonder that no one understands."
And I completely agree with it, that's a true fact! Stop being rude to people of this name, and if you don't like it... Then just leave us alone. If there was a Cassidy in your life who was mean to you, it doesn't mean you trash on other Cassidys just because of how you perceive them. It's disrespectful and harmful... Leave us alone please!
And what this person described about their best friend named Cassidy, is actually pretty accurate of a personality for me as well, and for a lot of other people of this name... Cassidys are very good people.
I think this name used to be fashionable a few years ago, but it's lost its gleam. It's especially unfortunate for a boy, because while Cassidy is an Irish gender-neutral name, it now sounds decidedly feminine and American.
Only sounds feminine.
It's okay for a girl, I guess. I like the nickname Cass.
Anyone who says this is clearly a name suitable for males only should read the previous comments. Times have changed and Cassidy is now a beautiful feminine name.
This is my name and I love it, although I spell it Cassidie and I do go by Cass. It is irritating not coming across things with my name on them that don't need to be made customized, and no one spells it right, but it's okay. I feel the name really suits me and I like that I don't come across someone with the same name everyday.
This is my name, but actually mine is spelled Cassidi. I really don't see many with that spelling, which means it is harder to find my name on key chains. For nick names I prefer people to call me Cassie, but a lot of people call me Cass which I hate! I like my name but I wish they would just have my name spelled like that once in a while. I find something with Cassie on it, and in that case half the time I get it. And if I want my real name I have to get it custom made. I just think the spelling of my name is unique. I honestly think it's a girl name, personally I don't know ANY guys with that name! At all! Yes the meaning of this name means curly haired, that's funny because I have naturally curly hair... ha ha ha.
I love/hate the name... I'm a boy, and my name is Cassidy. I kinda think it sounds feminine though... But when I have an ankle injury, people call me Hop Along Cassidy xD
I am actually the only boy I've ever met with the name.
My daughter is named Cassidy- admittedly I chose it at random, but the more I watch my daughter grow and turn into the wonderful woman she is (she's 13 now) I couldn't find the name more beautiful. I'm very happy I have a Cassidy :)
My daughter is Cassidy. We chose this name because we felt it was classic/old school. Absolutley a girly name. She is only 4 months old right now, but her nickname so far is Cass. I hate Cassie, but we will see what she likes when she is older.
My name is Cassidy and I really like my name! I'm also a girl.
Cassidy may well be more popular these days as a girl's name in the U.S., but it is an Irish boy's name and a very common surname. There is Irish in my family lineage and I named my son Cassidy who amazingly was born with dark curly hair. Casey is used as a nickname, which by the way is also Irish and another unisex name that is very common. A little research on names would probably surprise a lot of you on where they originate, their meaning and how some names become more unisex over time. It's a great name, be proud of it and ignore the hateful comments.
I love this name (mostly because it's my name), and I don't get why people hate it. It's just a name. I bet the people who are writing these nasty things about the name, have a hideous name themselves. You don't have to say it's hideous or horrible, just say you personally don't like the name. It offends me and a lot of other people with the name Cassidy. You don't have to worry about it if it's not your name, and if you don't like it, don't name your kid Cassidy. It's as easy as that. I bet a lot of people with the name Cassidy, would greatly appreciate it if you would stop with all the hate comments. Oh, and I definitely DO NOT think of this as a boy's name, I could never image a boy named Cassidy. I think of the name as very feminine.
This is my name- even though I go primarily by Cass, I still love my actual name too! I mostly use Cass due to ease of other people spelling it, lol. It doesn't bother me that no one can spell it, but it gets to be overkill since no one can spell my last name either. And yes I am a girl, I do spell it with a C, and I do love the name and meaning- it means curly haired one also, which I am, so... that's awesome. :DOne con is that everyone mis-remembers my name as Cassie, Cassandra, or Cali... but like I said, paired with my last name, it made sense for me to go by Cass in non-formal situations. :p And that name is easier taken by people.Lovegood12's description of people with this name is strikingly accurate for me :pTo the people who hate this name: I respect your opinion, and everyone thinks something different about a name, and that's fine. But maybe that's not a thing you should word that way/be so up front about?... luckily I already knew that most people hated my name, but it was still a little depressing to glance through all of you when I was commenting...
Seems more like a surname. Cassandra is a much prettier name for girls.
Wonderful name spelt with a K for a girl. My daughter suits her name, she is a clever, kind, quarky, loving spirit. Any name haters, then why are you here looking up the name? One name does not mean that's what all people with that name are like. Judging books by their covers, what would others think of you hating on all people with that one particular name?
I like it, but I do think it can seem tacky.
Pretty sounding, love cassie and cute meaning!
I hate it when people hate on this name! This is the name of my best friend! Don't you people realize that some poor Cassidy may be reading this and crying that you are calling her ugly and stupid!?! The name Cassidy means: That shy girl who just wants to accepted and still be herself. She is an artist with a passion. It could be painting, writing, or even singing. Maybe something else. She wants to make others happy, even if she just had the worst day ever. She is a wonder that no one understands, and she likes that. She is imperfect, and likes that. She sees things through a child's eyes, which means she sees things we don't. She is a wonder that no one understands. (P.S. That's my name too. Thanks for calling me ugly and a boy! Would you like me calling you ugly!?! Shut up and just don't comment you jerks!)
I hate this name. I personally think it's ugly.
Plus, Cassidy is too girly and if a boy's name was Cassidy it would sound so gay. I love the name Cassidy though! Because it's my name and it's so pretty. :)
Thank you Cassidy_ personally I don't appreciate people telling me that my name is crappy ok? If you're going to do that go to another site!
My name is Cassidy and I really love it. I think it sounds more girly. I don't like it at all for a boy! It only looks good if spelled right. I dislike when people spell it with a K. I spell mine C-a-s-s-i-d-y; the right way. I only like when people call me Cass. I hate being called "Cassie" it sounds ugly. I wouldn't change my name for 1000 dollars! So any Cassidy's out there, your name is beautiful. :)
Cassidy is my name and I'm a girl. I know it used to be a boy's name and still is in some places but that doesn't bother me. I love my name! The only two downsides are A), nobody can spell it until I tell them how and B), Cassie. I REALLY dislike people's desire to call me Cassie. It sounds really childish. That and people who don't know me THAT well that I haven't seen in a long time often remember my name as Cassie and not Cassidy. But I still love my name. And the Cassie thing isn't so bad, I just have people nickname me Cass instead. That way I have a whole county and lake to myself! ;) [Cass county & lake in Michigan...]
This name would be very unique for either gender.
I love the name Cassidy! My own name is Cassidy, you people who say it's ugly thanks. I'm a 14 year old girl with self esteem issues as it is and it's great to know that my name doesn't fit up to other peoples standards. That really helps!
I like this name. I have a friend named Cassidy and she's really shy but really nice, so I guess that's what I think of when I hear this name.
I hate this name. The sound is just so incredibly annoying and obnoxious.
I happen to like this "cass" name a lot better than the more common Cassandra (which often, to me, sounds like the name Sandra with a "kuh" prefix added). And either way, I still love the nickname Cassie. But I prefer Cassidy of the two names. However, I prefer both Cassidy & Cassandra over Cassarah *shudder*.
I left a comment for Cassidy three years ago, and I'd like to amend it now. I no longer like "Cassie" for a girl, but I actually quite like Cassidy - for a boy. It reminds me of Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid.
Some of you people are mean! Cassidy is an AWESOME name, and I love it. It's amazing, and fits people of ALL ages, in my opinion at least.
I hate this name, especially on a girl. It doesn't sound very feminine. It sounds like a name for the spoiled child of yuppies. At least it can be shortened to Cassie.
I think that it's beautiful for a girl or a boy, delicate sort of and beautiful but at the same time strong, and I don't understand you people who say it only sounds good for young people. I can easily imagine older people with this name.
In my opinion, this is a great name for a boy.
I love this name, and as everyone says they see it more for boys, I like it as girl version. I always see it on a girl.
This is one of the most hideous names out there, and it always brings to mind that mean, spoiled, sexist pop star from decades ago, David Cassidy. Well, Cassidy was definitely his surname. I read he was very mean to his fans, and people who are mean to their fans are scum.
How could anyone say a name is "hideous", especially when basing it on one person? It's a great name, not bad at all. And on a side note, Caesar means hairy.
For whatever reason, I've never been able to picture the name Cassidy on girls. I always think of guys when I hear the name. It's truly a wonderful name, too! :D
Cassidy is a lovely name.
Cassidy is such a horrible name! It`s the worst name ever invented! :( :cry:
I love this name for a boy - I mean, it works on a girl, too, but it just sounds more masculine to me. Although the nickname Cassie would be kinda weird on a boy. And I think, on the right person, the name Cassidy would age well.
I can't imagine a boy having the name Cassidy! That is repulsive! The name is a little immature and is only good if you are under 10 years old.
This strikes me as more of a surname (one of my mate's surnames so you'll see where I get that) or an American name. Cassie is a nice nickname though.
I like it but it will only look good on you if you're younger than 30. From then on it won't work.
I think Cassidy is a very cute name! I would love to have this name. A good nickname for this name is Cassi (ca-see).
I also love this name for some odd reason. This is my name and I am so happy I have it!

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