Comments (Personal Impression Only)

A very beautiful and classy name any girl with this name should be grateful and happy they have this name.
Celestine is my name! And I truly love it! I also love how it's also the name of a crystal, it's called Celestite but sometimes it's called Celestine!
Lovely, elegant. I imagine a pretty, blonde, blue-eyed girl, for some reason. I love the meaning.
I think Celestine and Celestina are a million times prettier than Celeste (a name I've always hated). I think it's because the emphasis is on the first or last syllable, instead of the "lest" part, at least how I pronounce them: SEL-es-teen / sel-es-TEEN-a.
Beautiful name. It's delicate yet not frilly and overdone. I love it.
I prefer this for a girl. It's a very delicate name and can be shortened to Celeste, which is also very beautiful. I would suggest Celeste for a boy instead of Celestine. An extremely wonderful name.
I really like this name! It's very graceful. It does sound feminine, but I think it could work for a boy sometimes.
Sorry, but this just isn't a male name. It is PURELY feminine, to me. I mean, when I added this name, I thought it was feminine, and its popularity was female. And that, to me, is what's more important. The first impression after you have seen it!

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