Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I adore this name! One of our daughters is named Keris. The reason it is spelt Keris is that I taught a girl named Keris and liked her so much, that I copied her name. Her mother had heard it used in a restaurant, and not knowing how to spell it, created the spelling. When my Keris was 2, we found out that it was meant to be spelt Cerys. I wish that we had changed it, but we decided not to. Our daughter is now almost 30 and has a more than unique name. I am going to let her know that her name means love. That will make her smile.
My name is Cerys and I really like it because it is unique. However, I find that loads of people are incapable of pronouncing it. This really annoys me because the majority of people can say Carys, which is very similar. I do not particularly like the name Carys and it really annoys me to see that Cerys does not even have a description on this website, whereas Carys does.
I love this name so much! The meaning "love" is so cute, and fabulous. I do find it kind of strange though that I adore this name so much, but I really dislike Carys.
My name is Cerys, and although everyone always tells me how beautiful it is, it is not often easy for people to get it right. The amount of times I've been called Chris, Carys, Ceri, or Karissa is a little annoying. But I like the meaning behing it.
Beautiful name. Timeless and elegant.
I think it's beautiful, I love it.
I have a friend called Cerys. I think it is a beautiful name. If I have a daughter when I'm older, I'd like to call her Cerys.

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