Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Chantal Claret (born February 21, 1982) is an American singer-songwriter who was the frontwoman for Morningwood.
Chantal Andere is an Argentinean Mexican actress widely known for her usual casting as the villain in soap operas. She's the daughter of José Maria Fernandez Unsain, Argentinean playwright, film director and screenwriter who was "exiled to Mexico after the 1955 Revolución Libertadora, because of his cultural relationship with Eva Perón[2]"(Wikipedia) and actress Jacqueline Andere.
Chantal Routhier is a Canadian photographer with the name.
Not exactly famous, but Chantal was the name of the runner-up in cycle nine of the TV show America's Next Top Model. That's where I first heard this name, and I think it's quite pretty.
A famous bearer is actress Chantal Poullain, she was born 17th August 1956, Marseille, France.
There is a singer named Chantal Chamandy, who is a Canadian of Greek and Lebanese decent and who was born in Alexandria, Egypt. I like this name a lot; it's very elegant.
Chantal is one of the spider women in Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman, #5: A Doll's House" along with Zelda.
Chantal Berry is a not-terribly-famous singer, who left her (hideous and, thankfully, short-lived band Bardot) under tense circumstances, in the year 2000.
Chantal Kreviazuk is a famous Canadian singer.
Within the Catholic Church, Chantal is associated with St. Jeanne de Chantal.

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