Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It sounds like a nickname for Charlie. People from my school call her Charlize. Except they pronounce it CHAR-lies.
Sounds made up. Also is distinctly associated with celebrity Charlize Theron who I think sort of owns this name (similar to Beyonce and Ariana for Ariana Grande)
Full disclosure: I actually *really like* this name. In fact I prefer it to Charlotte! However, it's so utterly connected to a particular person (Charlize Theron) outside of South Africa that using it in real life would look like you're naming your daughter specifically after her. And she's not a problematic person; but from the outside you run the risk of people judging you as shallow because you "named your kid after a celebrity." Of course neither assumption would be true, and it would say more about the judgers than anyone else. But it's an obstacle to consider.
It’s a nice name.
I've always pronounced it char-LEEZE but I like it, it's a good name. Though I've only met one Charlize.
I have a nice name, man.
I only know one Charlize. I kinda dislike the name, but, it's pretty good. I don't mind it but I don't exactly love it.
I do think it is nice, but too common. It was already 905 last year. WAY common.
Charlize is one of my absolute favorite girl names. It's such a strong yet elegeant name. I would be happy to name my daughter. =)

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