Comments (Personal Impression Only)

At least it's not Chastity.
I'll be honest with you. I once knew a girl called CHASTITY. When she went to school, no one could say her name the right way - not even the teachers. Mind you, this was not a "ghetto" school. Kids of many different backgrounds went there, and the teachers were amazing. But they got Chastity's name wrong. They stuttered over it and called her CHASITY because it was faster. If someone called her Chasity, she'd answer to it. Correcting them would take too long. And what about role call? I felt embarrassed for her when a substitute teacher struggled to say her pretty name. She chuckled self-consciously, and there were some giggles in the class. "It's Chasity," she said, since that was easier for the teacher. I don't think that this name is a "ghetto" or "trashy" alternative. It's a lot easier to say, as those two Ts are not so close together. You might actually be doing your daughter a favor by giving her a "typo". Believe me, most names are typos. Electronic devices can't predict or correct everything. My device claims that Liu is a typo - and that's a common Chinese surname! But it doesn't correct Wang or Chao. Funny, isn't it? Because it's easier to say than Chastity (especially if you speak a particular dialect/ have a particular accent), this name has gained popularity in the United States - but Chastity with a T has completely disappeared from the charts! Hmm, I wonder why?It's not ghetto. It just looks weird to you. I used to inwardly cringe at this spelling as well, but then I remembered Chastity from my school - EDUCATED PEOPLE don't have any better taste than undereducated people. They just know more, but some of them don't even try to say your name with dignity or respect. So Slight Night Shiver, don't blame poor education. Blame laziness.Other than its "incorrectness", as you say, the name is quite nice. It deletes the 'tity' sound, and it's a bit distracting from the definition of "pure", which may be too much for someone, let alone a child. For the reasons I have stated, Chasity might be a better pick than Chastity.
Although I don't think I, personally, would ever use this name, I still really love the name Chasity. I think it's beautiful. I don't think it looks “misspelled” or anything like that. If you think about it, there is actually more than one way to spell many words. For example, in Canada and the UK, the word “honor” would be spelled “honour”, similar to “color/colour”, “favor/favour”, “mom/mum”, etc. Just because there are more than one spelling to a word doesn't have to mean that one of the spellings is incorrect. The word “honor” means: To pay respect; the word “honour” means: To pay respect. A single vowel doesn't change the meaning of the word. Similarly, the name “Chastity” means: Pure, innocent, to refrain from premarital (or all) sexual intercourse. The name “Chasity” means: Pure, innocent, to refrain from premarital (or all) sexual intercourse.
Overall, I think Chasity is a sweet, uniquely beautiful name.
If your name is Chasity, just know that you're wonderful and you're immensely loved.
Ok, I really don’t like the name ChasTity because the meaning feels like something really weird and uncomfortable to give to your child. I would never use Chasity either, because it comes off like someone just didn’t know how to spell Chastity. BUT, I must say that it looks/sounds kind of cute and I don’t hate it even though it’s misspelled.
When you can't even spell the word "chastity"...The name is already not great but this misspelling is the worst. It's like Fredom or Sunnshine or Felisity.It doesn't look like you changed the spelling on purpose, it looks like you genuinely didn't know how to spell it.To all the people named Chasity: of course it's not your fault and of course you can be an amazing, wonderful person named Chasity and have a great career, I don't doubt that. Your name doesn't define you. It is just my personal opinion of the name but that doesn't mean that a Chasity can't be awesome.
This is not a good name for a woman. Horrible, horrible, horrible.
TBH I prefer Chastity over Chasity. Both are perfectly fine names, but Chasity just looks like a misspelling of Chastity to me. Not a big fan of either but they're nice names. Chastity just sounds more natural to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
It reminds me of a female prostitute.
Beautiful name I love it.
Hi, My name is Chasity Rose, I just read all the comments and personally I don’t agree with the name CHASTITY because that to me just sounds wrong. I’m so GLAD my mother named me Chasity I LOVE my name, you never really hear the name and I ALWAYS get compliments on my name as well, and my husband loves my name and I also LOVE being different about everything and the fact that my name is different is even better! And the meaning of Chasity is in my eyes 100% true without a doubt! I named my daughter Cecilia Rose- if that doesn’t say I’m different I don't know what does lol!
I absolutely love the name Chasity because it is unique and many people do not come across a Chasity, I had a dog named Chasity Rose and sadly though, she did pass away. I am going to name my daughter Chasity with her middle name as Rose in honor of my dog. I do not believe it is a trashy name it is only made for the most kind and pure hearted people & animals.
At least the nickname won’t be “tity” because it’s missing a t.
Chasity is not a trashy name! Nor is it a bad name, it is a very beautiful and pretty name. I'm naming my OC Chasity because it means pure of heart in your mind so it's not trailer trash and it's not trashy or bad either.
No matter how you spell it, Chasity is still a tacky name. I will say it sounds pretty, but the meaning is what makes it bad.
Alright I know I'm male and coming on here, but I have to defend this name because I love this name to death.
I know two Chasities.One is a strong-willed beautiful girl from Gothenburg, Sweden who is so far from "trailer trash" that it isn't even funny. She's blunt yes, but also dead honest. If she thinks something's wrong she's going to speak upon it. But it's always with the intent to help you, because she cares about you.The other Chasity I know is a woman who was born during World War 1. She's a well respected woman who has the kindest heart you could ever find. 101 years old and as healthy as she was at 65. Her nephews actually founded Perkins restaurants, and the pancake recipe they use is hers.Being blind, I need help around airports, and you'll never guess the name of the English woman that took hold of my hand and actually missed her flight just to help me get to my gate when the staff refused to help me.
I love this name and I love every single Chasity on this site. I would marry a Chasity.
Love your name, it is beautiful!
Wow. At first I had searched to see just how popular my name Chasity (yes with one T) was. Then I ran across this cite. Honestly, at first I regretted even looking at the comments as my name is a slightly sensitive topic for me. All those mean comments are why I prefer to go by CJ, though no one actually listens. However, I am glad I did not give up hope that kind people actually existed in the world and kept reading. I simply loved seeing all the other Chasitys stand up for our name. You go girls!
Well I love the name Chasity. My husband's name is Chaz so he named our daughter Chasity. It's not because we didn't know how to spell it, so those of you who are saying that's the only reason Chasity is spelled like that you are WRONG. Everyone spells things differently for a purpose or just to be different and creative. The name means pure and innocence and after 2 boys God blessed us with a baby girl. No fault in my husband naming his princess after him. CHASITY's nicknamed Cha Cha or as my husband says, his twin CHAS.
So for all you people that say that it's just misspelled, obviously it's not if it's in here it's actually a name and most people like it because it is unique.
My name is Chasity Dawn and I'm not trashy. I get compliments on my name almost every day. I bet a lot of you are jealous because your names are unoriginal and boring. The fact it is spelled differently makes it all the better. I've probably met less than a handful of people with my name in my 38 years. Yes, people say and spell it wrong constantly but it's worth it to have an awesome name. I love to meet others with my name because it is so rare. Hold your heads up high my fellow Chasity's! Stay as unique as your name.
I like the name Chasity, my best friend is named 'Chasity'.
Wow some of you are ignorant! I haven't always liked my name and only because people always say it wrong, spell it wrong, and it's never on anything "personalized" HOWEVER I've never had anyone tell me that it was ugly or that it was trashy. Quite the opposite actually. Most people that hear my name love it!
I have a blood-relative named this but to be completely honest, I wished that her parents had choosen something else. Chasity is a pretty bad name but at least her parents didn't go with Chasitity. ChasiTITY.
I can't understand the ignorance and pure ugliness of today's society. My mom chose to spell my name this way because she thought it was much prettier than "Chastity" and I thank God she did. Growing up when people found out my name was Chasity their first response was to tease me and call me "Chastity Belt" but I quickly corrected them. My name is "Chasity" not "Chastity". Thank you, Momma. I love my name and wouldn't trade it for anything.
I love the name Chasity, those who are hating on the name out of pure ignorance are probably jealous of a Chasity! Chastity is ugly- I would have been so mad if my parents didn't drop that t. I hated when teachers misspoke or misspelled my name because my name was unique. I love being unique and different- that's why I gave my child a unique name because the world needs less Nicoles and Jessicas which, in my opinion, are the "trashiest" of all the names. So take your jealously elsewhere and go comment on your own name. And to all the Chasitys out there, keep on rocking it!
This is a misspelled name. The word 'chastity' is a real word, and the word at some point began to be used as a name because people liked the meaning of the word. If you drop the first 't' and spell it 'Chasity' it's just a nonsense name with no meaning. No offense to those who have this name; it's not your fault your parents spelled it wrong. But if you're an expectant parent who's planning to use this name, please do your daughter a favor and spell it correctly: C-H-A-S-T-I-T-Y.
Honestly Chasity sounds better than chastity because the name says 'tity'. Who would name their child that?
Okay really it's a name and it just happens to be mine! This is an example of if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all! Dang! Didn't your parents teach you anything? Bet you don't like me talking about your parents huh? How does it feel? I like how most of you put your comment on there "anonymously". I bet your name isn't any better than mine. Come on now, I'd like to know your names just so I could go make fun of it- IT'S NOT SPELLED RIGHT! Really? It's not your name, you don't have to worry about it!
Wow! I am amazed to see all the negative remarks regarding this name. First, Who the hell said it had to be spelled as CHASTITY? Who the hell wants tity in their name. It's almost as bad as LYNERD, it has NERD in it. The spelling of C H A S I T Y and the spelling with the "TITY" at the end, both result in this name being a baby Latin name meaning purity; innocence. My name is spelled without the TITY at the end and I like it that way. Everyone who spoke negative about the spelling of this name is your personal view or experience. It's obvious your names must be the trashiest of them all. Must be Heather, Nicole, Michelle, Brittany, and Jennifer being the worst. Every female to date I have ever encountered with these names live in the trailer park. Don't hate the Chasity's because we are beautiful and amazing and something you know nothing about. The name Chasity isn't trashy at all. A name is a name people, it's not what people call you, it's what you answer to. Get educated!
I have read all of the other comments on this name and I assure you, Chasity is not a trashy name. To hear so many people disgrace her name hurts for my grandmother knew Chasity personally and named me after her.
I knew a girl named Chasity in 8th grade. No one said anything bad about her name.
Statistically, there is a strong negative correlation between a mother's age, family income, and education, and her likelihood to choose the name Chastity. Basically, the girls (and they are the most likely of any widely used name to be girls, not women) who are most likely to choose Chastity are the least likely to be able to spell it. Thus, Chasity. Personal experience, I know 2 Chastitys and 1 Chasity. Not one of their mothers was over 18, and they all seem to be rebelling violently against the name, if you catch my meaning.
I understand this is a place for you to leave "your personal impression of the name." Still, I cannot help but feel slightly offended by some of the comments. This, after all, is my name. NO, I did not choose it. BUT... I am not trailer trash. I find that tacky anyways. I have family that lives in a trailer. It's not a bad thing. Nor were my parents "trailer trash." My mother knows how to spell. This is how she chose to spell it. Thank Goodness! I do not love my name. This is only because I grew up with uneducated people that believed it was okay to say my name was trashy. I grew up with people pronouncing it wrong. I do like my name for what it is. It's interesting and it draws attention. Just because this name has an origin that means pure. Or that has to do with abstinence does not take away from it. The name is only disgraced further by people saying it is "trashy."
While I do not personally like this name, I agree with @Chasity..
Hey! This is not a trashy name! It's brilliant! I first heard this name on my friend, and I kept saying "Chastity" because I thought I was hearing it wrong, but the more I heard it the more I liked it. It's smoother too with only one T instead of two T's. I find it a lot prettier than Chastity, because it's not directly evocative of being chaste, but you can kinda tell that it means Chastity. Bravo, whoever dropped the first T. Bravo.
Chastity is horrible and trashy enough, but Chasity just looks and sounds ugly, and like the parents didn't even know how to spell. I wonder about anyone who uses this spelling on purpose, knowing that Chastity is really the correct spelling. Are people that lazy that they can't even look up a name's correct spelling in the baby name book?
Not only does Chasity look just as misogynist and rude as the name Chastity, but it also looks trashier with this spelling.
The ugliest name in the world!
So pretty yet so trashy.
Looks like the abstinence before marriage type of people who use this name aren't even able to get the word right, which is peculiar, as they value the concept so much. I blame it on bad education. This is a very trashy name.
Wow. If there's a better trailer trash name, I haven't found it yet.
This looks more like a typo than a "variant".

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