Chrystal here, and please please please don’t name your child this. My entire life has been a spelling bee. It is horrible to have to constantly say “c-H-r…” and still have the name misspelled 9 times out of 10. It is endlessly aggravating, and the only reason I’ve not changed it legally is because I’ve lived in 4 different states and it’s too much of a hassle to notify every place I’ve lived about the name change. It’s also a hard name to grow up with—your nicknames are Chris and Christy and Chrissy and that’s it. If you don’t like answering to a masculine nickname or a peppy cheerleader name or a Three’s Company dumb blonde name, then none of those nicknames fit you. I would probably have liked my name a lot better if it had been spelled normally, but I guess my grandma thought she was being “kute and kreeaythif.” It really bugs me when people spell otherwise good names in ways that ensure their child’s whole life will be a spelling bee. It’s not fun, it’s not cute, and instead of looking creative to people my name just looks ostentatious. Give your kids normal and normally spelled names! There’s nothing wrong with Mary and Jane.
Crystal is lovely, but this is not.It looks like you didn't know it was also a word and tried to spell it like a variant of Christine or something.Crystal is much better.
Pointless "h". It's alright I guess. I prefer this over Crystal.
The meaning is pure. It is pure Christ like in the Bible. The h left in goes all the way back to Greek then to German history. My grandmother's name was Chrystal and it was given to a person in my family as well way before she was deceased. The h was left in because this is the way it was spelled from the ancestors, somewhere in history people started dropping the h therefore the h was dropped out but in the beginning this name began with the h.
Yes, I love my name as well.
This version of Crystal is usually a family name, the extra "h" as you put it is a thing of tradition or respect for an elder/diseased relative.
I'm not so convinced it's for deceased or elder relatives in all cases - the two Chrystals I met were just called this as a variant of Crystal. Maybe in some, like if the elder in question was called Christina or Christopher. I think it's influenced by basically any name you would put the nickname "Chris" to.
Great name, but why the extra 'H'? It's a bit pointless, and it'll only be misspelled.
Someday I would like to name my daughter this, but I would consider spelling it Christyl.
Chrystal is a wonderful name I believe.
Well... I like my name. It is very close to Christopher which means bearer of Christ.

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