Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Twenty One Pilots' latest album is titled "Clancy" (2024).
Clancy Gilroy is the main character from the Netflix show The Midnight Gospel.
'Clancy of the Overflow' is a poem written by the Australian poet Banjo Paterson.
Another character on The Simpsons with this name is Marge's deceased father. Matt Groening must have liked this name.
Clancy Brown (b. January 5, 1959), born Clarence Brown, is an American voice actor who has voiced, among others, Mr. Krabs from Spongebob Squarepants and Lex Luthor throughout the many DC animated series. He has also acted in live-action movies such as The Shawshank Redemption.
Chief Clancy Wiggum is the cop from the popular show "The Simpsons".

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