Comments (Personal Impression Only)

What a ridiculous name.
If your name is Clay, you better take up sculpting.
Lovely classic boy's name that will never go out of style.
Clay is a poggers name, especially if you play Minecraft and are friends with GeorgeNotFound.
Bland but still unique, in the same way as rain.
I honestly think Clayton is better than Clay. Clay seems much too strange for a name.
Clay is far better than Clayton for sure.I think it could work for a boy thanks to similar names like Barclay or Clyde.The meaning is strange: here in Italy 'Clay' is 'argilla' (or 'creta' if you mean the one for pottery) that are not given names at all (but in this case they would be feminine).However Clay has a simple, solid and sunny sound with a country and outdoorsy vibe. It is strong and youthful.I would not use it but maybe for a character... of course!
Clay is a sexy name. I agree with it because Clay is in ponds like in the best game ever named Minecraft.
Clay is super cute for a baby girl. I love it so much! Clayton does sound good as well!
In our family tree we have several Barclays and the nickname always used for Barclay was and is Clay. I like it. Very earthy.. no pun intended.
I just love the name Clay. It is an awesome name and I use it in every story I write. I think that Clay or Claye or Klay is the best name for a baby boy (best being Claye).
It's alright, but only as a nickname for Clayton.
Clay is much more substantial than the horrible name Clayton. Clay is a cute, unique, masculine name. :-)
Update: I don't think the name Clayton is really horrible anymore. Clay and Clayton are both equally nice names. :) xo.
This name will lead to teasing because "clay" is a material used for making pottery. It also sounds rather trashy, and I don't really like Clay Aiken.
I really like the name Clay. Clayton sounds boring to me.
The name sounds quite immature, maybe not as infantile as Chase, but still quite youthful. How about naming your son Clayton instead?
Awful name in my opinion. I apologize to the many out there named this, though.
Clay is just a word for china. How can it be a name?
It can be a name because it's also an old English surname, which have been used as first names for hundreds of years.
I love the name Clay! There is this really hot guy named Clay! Clay is the best name for a boy.

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