Also Norman:
Clotilde Arias Chávarri Anduaga de Ferrero (20 June 1901 – 6 May 1959) was a Peruvian-American lyricist and composer. She is best known for her composition of the song "Huiracocha", popular in Peru and sung worldwide; and for her translation of "The Star-Spangled Banner", the United States national anthem, into lyrical Spanish, commissioned by the U.S. Department of State in 1946.
Clotilde Cerdà (28 February 1861[1] – 12 April 1926) was a Spanish harpist. She made her solo debut at the Vienna World's Fair when she was eleven, directed by Johann Strauss II. Her performance was praised by Isabel II and Victor Hugo who together coined her stage name, Esmeralda Cervantes. She played in Europe and toured the Americas as a harpist while still a teenager. At a young age, Cerdà embraced abolitionism and took a stance against capital punishment. In Barcelona, she established a short-lived women's educational institution with Dolors Aleu i Riera. She continued to tour as a musician, taught the harp, and established music conservatories. She later worked as a journalist.
Clotilde González de Fernández (September 24, 1880 – February 28, 1935) was an Argentine educator, piano teacher, and writer. She was a pioneer of education in Misiones Province, having taken the initiative to establish the first secondary schools of the then "Territorio Nacional de Misiones". She was the promoter of a popular movement that achieved through the National State the creation of the normal schools in 1909, the National School in 1917, the School of Arts and Crafts in 1924, and the first musical institute in 1918, in Posadas.
Clotilde Tambroni (29 June 1758 – 2 June 1817), was an Italian philologist, linguist and poet. She was a professor in the Greek language at the University of Bologna in 1793–1798, and a professor in Greek and literature in 1800–1808. She succeeded in achieving institutional recognition by a university long before women in many parts of the world could even attend university. As well as her native Italian, she was also fluent in French, English and Spanish.
Spanish pronunciation is /klo' [noted -ed]
Doña Clotilde is a character in the Mexican television sitcom El Chavo del Ocho, which is very popular in Latin America, especially in Brazil. In the show, Doña Clotilde is a single woman who lives in #71. Her appearance and strange mannerisms dubbed her "The Witch of 71" by the vecindad children.
It's fine, really. Just not my favorite name ever. Probably because it has the word "clot" like blood clot in it, right up front.
Well, at least if your daughter ends up hating her name she can go by Cloe or Clo.. (although I don't know if that would work because of the pronunciation of this name..)
If you like this name, then go for it I guess, we can't stop you.
I love this name and the association with the saint. It’s beautiful and uncommon, and definitely something that sticks with you. How people think it sounds “ugly” and “trashy”, I don’t know nor understand.
Clotilde is my name and I don't know the meaning, so I had to check it out and found out that I was answering a very good name, so I want people to bear the name because it is a wonderful name.
Clotilde Courau (1969-) is a French actress. She is the wife of Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, the grandson of Umberto II, the last reigning King of Italy.
Very trashy and ugly. What is a Clotilde?
Marie Clotilde of France (b. 1759 - d. 1802) was the Queen consort of Sardinia from 1796 till her death in 1802 as the wife Charles Emmanuel IV of Sardinia. She was a younger sister of King Louis XVI.
The name CLOTILDE is also the Portuguese feminine form of Chlotichilda. Please add it. [noted -ed]
This is also the Italian spelling of Clothilde.
I like the French spelling Clotilde better than the German spelling (Clothilde).
Saint Clotilde (died 545 AD) was the wife of Clovis I, King of the Franks. Quite a bit is known about her life, thanks to the chronicle of Gregory of Tours. There is a lovely church in Paris named after her (built in the 19th century).
I have liked the name Klotild since I was a teenager. I like it spelled as Clotilde. I also like Cornelia and Constance a lot.
Clotilde is a very sweet, beautiful, and elegant name.

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