Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name is soo cute and handsome! But I can't really imagine it on a old man but overall this name is great!
10/10This is one of the few names I rate a 10. It's cute, adorable, and even strong and masculine at the same time. I've never met a Cody in my lifetime, but if I would, I think he'd be a fun guy to hang out with and would always be there for me. It reminds me of someone who acts tough, but really has a soft spot. Much love to you Codys!
My name is Cody, and I’m a man. I know a few other Cody’s but only 1 has his spelled Kodi, other than them. I’ve never met (that I can remember) any woman or female named Cody. But it’s funny cause I’ve ran across people with dogs and yeah, female dogs (? Lol) but the characteristics seem to be pretty factual in my case. I’m very outgoing and can talk to anyone but I’d rather be isolated. Very helpful, honest, respectful, humble. It’s crazy my last name is similar to the Mac Odo lineage. One thing irritates me is I get called Cory a lot idk why. Have also had people spell it Coty, mainly teachers or the person who does my interview. I am independent, I’ve basically raised myself, I’ve matured long before I graduated high school. But I feel this weird word play thing, where I refer to myself as Boy sometimes, instead of A Man. It’s like this young spirit in me, could also be cause I’m a Younger Man. Not sure how to describe it. Other than Code, Coco and Codester. Codeman was what close family members called me (again with the “Man” wording). Born in April, Taurus is my Zodiac. I like my name. In my area it’s almost rare.
Just so happens 3 guys I grew up with and are basically brothers. Me and another Share Cody, and the other two share a name as well.
Nicknames were mandatory lol. Mine was C - Mac Odo (example, not my actual) basically my last name.
I always kinda wished as a kid my name was spelled like different. Kodi, Kody, Codi, Code (another misspell I’d encounter) but as an adult I’m happy it is the way it is. If it has a K, I automatically assume it’s a girl / female spelling. Like when reading or whatever. That’s what surprises me the most is if you do use it for a girl I wouldn’t spell it Cody, to me that’s the only off thing. I didn’t even know women have this name as much until I started reading all the comments.
It seems a little cutesy to me for a boy name. I can see it fitting for a child, but it looks out of place for me on a man. 6/10.
Sounds very juvenile to me. I guess a little boy can be called Cody but not a 70 year old man.
Arrogant jock kind of name.
Ugh! Way too mommy’s boy for me!
This is a boy's name. It makes me cringe whenever I meet girls named Cody, Cory or Dylan.
Seems more like a nickname.
Better name for a dog. Can't really see it on a person.
Yeah, MASCULINE, and I'm definitely naming my SON this. I hope HE grows up to be a great MAN.
What do you mean by grown "woman", Peter M? Cody is a legit boy's name!
I really don't like it. It sounds extremely childish and I can't imagine a grown man/woman called Cody.
I like it on a girl. Can't imagine it on a boy, it sounds wimpy and girly. I like the spelling Codie better!
Love this name. Would name my kid this if I ever had one.
This name, along with names like Riley or Bailey, are extremely tacky and childish, and really should either be only used as surnames or given to animals instead.
My name is Codie and I am female. Not a fun name to grow up with. As a kid I was always placed on the male side if the teacher didn't know me, as an adult I'll run races and be placed on the males finished list and I get a ton of mail addressed to Mr. Codie. I was named after another female too, but the only time I thought my name was cool was the Cody Zamora character from Bad Girls with Drew Barrymore... I made sure my kids had names that suit their genders lol.
Man boy name.
I like Cody as a unisex name, but I think it’s more of a boy’s name than a girl’s name, but Cody is another male name I can tolerate on a female being. Nothing seems too masculine to be used for girls, even if I like a name more for a boy, it’s hard to say “I dislike it for a girl”! If I were to use Cody for a girl, I would either choose a more feminine spelling and/or follow it up with a traditional feminine middle name! I can picture Cody best on a little boy, but it can still suit a little girl and a adult man and woman!
Sounds wimpy to me.
It’s cute for either sex. I prefer it on a boy though!
Cody is SO awesome for a name.
Cody seems like a trendy name for someone born to a blue collar/lower middle class family in the 90's. The equivalent today would be Jayden or Brayden etc.
Cody is an absolute endearing and extremely handsome name in my opinion. My youngest sibling is named this (Middle name James. Cody James) and it has suited him well for almost seventeen years.
It sounds like a dog's name.
My friend who is a guy is named Cody, and he's so sweet and nice. I think Cody is a gorgeous name.
My name is Cody and I am a woman. I have to say growing up with this name was hard. People always thought I was a male. It was very hard when I joined and discharged from the military. I have in the past few years come across a few more women named Cody. People always think it is short for Dakota. They have a hard time believing my real name is Cody.
I can't say I'm a huge fan of this name. It sounds a little bit cute I suppose, but for some reason I can't say I really like this name much (I guess because it sounds a bit too immature...?). No offense to any Cody's reading this. Funnily enough, the Cody's I've met were all girls even though this name is a male name, lol.
I hate the name "Cody." It sounds like a girl's name, and it tends to remind me of an immature teenager.
I used to detest this name. Recently, I have found Cody to be very endearing, very sweet - but not an incredibly "mature" name.
I think it's a great name really, although it does seem very popular now. I've never heard of a girl with the name though. My bf's name is Cody and also my dog which is kind of weird but I named the dog before I met the boy ha :) Also everyone calls him "Code", like they needed to shorten the name anymore!
My brother is 22 and his name is Cody. My cousin's boyfriend is also named Cody and he is 20. The name suits them both very well. I personally like it, though I prefer it for a female. It's far too overused as a male name.
It's a fitting name for a cute little boy, but I can't see it on an adult that isn't a Western cowboy.
I liked this name, but unfortunately my neighbour gave it to her dog.
My name is Codie. I never really liked my name, until recently. I receive a lot of comments on it being cute, and I realized that if I had another name, I would not be myself. I dislike that people think it is a boy's name, because there are plenty of male names that people choose as girl names, even those you may not suspect- Trevor, for example. Another thing that is annoying is whenever someone asks your name, you need to repeat it at least one or two more times. They always think your name is Kori or something else. Once, I got a "Katy". Seriously, just because it's spelled with an ie, it doesn't mean it's pronounced differently.
I think Cody's a great name for a dog. For a human, not so much.
This name is really popular where I live. My brother's name is Cody, and I know at least six Codys who go to my school. Also I know some who spell their name "Kody". It is a nice name, but a lot of people are naming their children this.
This name is so babyish and tacky. I honestly don't see the appeal in it.
My boyfriend's name is Cody and it's good name. Not childish at all.
This name sounds extremely childish, and it's one of those names that I'm always hearing on what seems like every tenth boy under the age of ten. I don't get the appeal at all, though at least I'm no longer hearing it quite as often as I did awhile ago. The only grown man I can picture this name on is a cowboy.
Cody is babyish, obnoxious, and overused. I can't stand it. Pick something else.
I think it is a very strong and handsome BOY name. I never have, nor ever wish to, met a female Cody. Just thinking about it makes me shudder.
I personally love this name. It may help that my boyfriend's name is Cody, and I think it suits him really well. I don't think it should be used as a girl name, though.
The one good thing about this name is the Mogwai connotation. There is a lovely melancholic track titled Cody on their 1999 album Come on Die Young, and the initials of that wonderful album spell out CODY. That's the only good thig about this name. I find this name to be far too immature for adults. Somehow I picture rather annoying little kids and middle school jerks when I read and hear this name, at least when I think about the American usage. I do also think about Mogwai, but I can't say I like the name at all.
My brother's name is Cody, and it fits him perfectly. He is not a little boy, he is a grown man, and it is not at all silly on him. I know two other grown men named Cody, and it seems smart and strong on them. I know a baby named Cody too, and it is very cute on a baby. I've known one girl named Codie and she hated her name and changed her name to Cordelia.
I love this name because it's sexy!
People who give their sons this name are not considering the fact that some day their sons will be grown men. Cody is cute on a little boy, but on a grown man it is silly.
When I hear this name, it only reminds me of a young boy's name, not a older man's name.
My name is Cody Lynn. I am indeed a female and I like my name. But I don't like the way it is spelled, so in school I put my name as Codi instead. It is unique and I have met no other females with this name.
I used to like this name, but then I met a boy named Cody, and he was mean. I also read a book with an obscene character named Cody in it, so that made me hate the name more. I think it's not a bad name, though, so long as you aren't obscene or mean.
Oh, dear God! All this naming girls boys names must end. Cody is a very handsome, sensitive BOYS name. Not a "strong, pretty" girls name. Sure, some people have slipped up and named their daughters Cody, but that doesn't mean that it's acceptable or justified. Naming a female dog or cat this is fine, but a child? Please, no. (Sorry to scold. This IS a boys name, and I'd hate to single anyone out)
My dog was female, and named Cody, and it fit her, but I prefer it as a masculine name. There is someone named Cody that I know who I really like, so I think I like the name more because of him.
Cody is an awesome name for a boy. It sounds rugged and handsome.
I like the name Cody and prefer it for a boy. I read somewhere that it also means helpful.
I'm a Cody and it's funny because every time I introduce myself to someone it seems like they always have a dog named Cody, which is irritating a little. But I am a man, and all the Codys I have ever known have been boys. I guess it could go either way though.
The first Cody I met was a girl, she's 18 now. Because of that, I've always thought of Cody as more of a girl's name than a boy's name.
For some reason I've always viewed 'Cody' as a feminine name; I really have no clue why. I've never even known a Cody in my life, male or female. It's a lovely name nonetheless.
I'm a Cody and I've found this doesn't translate into any language I've found. The only meaning I have heard it given is "cushion." All I'm sure of is that it must be repeated at least twice when people are asking "What is your name?" because Cody just can't be it; it must be Coby or Coley or Tody or many others which I don't think could even be categorized as names - or English.
Well, I think they just provided the meaning for you. Not all names literally translate into a perfect Gaelic word or anything, you know.

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