Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My favorite name. I like it for anyone of any gender. One combo I love would be Corin Avery. The meaning spear is so wonderful and powerful. Cory would also be a cool nickname.
Makes me think of corn for some reason.
My name is Corin, and I appreciate having this name even though people mistake me for a girl all the time. I think it is refreshing on a boy, especially because it just sounds like a masculine name.
This is my name and I'm a girl. I spell it Corrin though. I hate it when people pronounce my name coreen because it doesn't sound as nice it's just like coreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen.
I've always thought this was a sweet sounding name for a boy. The name of a very kind-hearted person. I don't like it for girls, though; I prefer Cora or Corrine for girls.
My sister married a guy with this name, and she is in love with it. She's planning on naming her son that.
I think it's a really cool name, very original. It does sound rather similar to "Cory" or "Collin", though, and that's something that puts me off. It's way better than either of them, but still.
I know this is long shot, but if a typo occurs you could end up Corni. Just imagine a roll call: 'Corni? Is there a Corni here?' Otherwise, this name is rather lackluster.

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