Oh my gosh...this is the lowest rating I have ever seen in my LIFE. What is so bad about this name (penis or corona does NOT count) that you have to basically kill it on the internet?
So, nobody's gonna make a penis comment?
Alright, while I understand that for some the modern association would be to the virus, I'd argue that the -nis would be just as much an issue for those in the range to care, by the time a child's grown enough for schooling.
Beyond the relative age of the name, and the less auspicious characters associated with it, I don't think parents grabbing this would be a sensible worry.
As with Corona, the coronavirus pretty much ruined this name. I'd suggest something else.
Well, Corona has been ruined as a name due to Coronavirus / COVID-19, so anyone using Coronis in real life... it'll look like you're trying to maneuver around the virus association, which will then (of course) remind everyone of the virus.Shame, because Coronis is kind of pretty, in an unusual way.

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