Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Crispín from José Rizal's famous novel Noli Me Tángere, a young sacristan who meets a tragic fate at the hands of the cruel Padre Salví.
Crispin is the name of a character from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. He appears in the Indigo Disk DLC. He is one of the Blueberry Academy's Elite Four, and he specializes in the Fire type.
Crispin is the name of a character from “Class of 09” and “Class of 09: The Re-Up”.
Crispin Gardiner, a New Zealand physicist, who has worked in the fields of quantum optics and ultracold atoms.
Crispin Boyer is a writer who works for National Geographic Kids.
Crispin is the middle name of British actor Richard Armitage. He played Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit movies and John Thornton in the BBC miniseries North and South.
Crispin is the main character in a book called 'Crispin: Cross of Lead' by Avi. There are also two other books in this series.
Crispin Freeman is a voice actor; he voices Itachi Uchiha (Naruto), Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!), Holland Novak (Eureka 7), Haji (Blood+), Alucard (Hellsing), Alex Row (Last Exile), and Tsume (Wolf's Rain), among many other roles.
Crispin Freeman is a famous bearer. Freeman is a well know voice actor for many titles of anime and video games, including titles such as Hellsing, Naruto, Ghost in the Shell, Eureka 7, and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya; to name a few.
In the Mistmantle Chronicles by M. I. McAllister (I think that's the correct spelling of her name), one of the characters, a squirrel, is named Crispin. He starts out as a captain, but he's banished because he's falsely accused for the prince's death. He returns to Mistmantle Island after Urchin (the main character) rescues him. When the king dies, it is his duty to become the next king, which he does. He's a very noble character with a very noble name, in my opinion.
The main character in Avi's "Crispin: the Cross of Lead" is, of course, named Crispin.
Crispin is the main character of the book, Crispin: The Cross of Lead by Avi.
Actor Crispin Bonham-Carter (cousin of Helena) played Mr Bingley in the 1995 BBC version of Pride and Prejudice. He has very curly hair!
Actor Crispin Glover bears this name.

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