Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Dallas Winston from "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton. Immortalized in the film version by actor Matt Dillon. "Do it for Johnny!"
Bryce Dallas Howard is an actress.
S. E Hinton used the name for the character, Dallas Winston, in her novel 'The Outsiders' (1967).
Dallas Winston is my favorite character from the outsiders!
Used as a surname by J D Robb for her series In Death, featuring Lt. Eve Dallas. The In Death series is an adult mystery series.
Dallas Clark is an American football player who currently plays for the Indianapolis Colts.
Dallas Reynolds is an American football player who currently plays for the Philadelphia Eagles.
Dallas Genoard is the name of a character in the Baccano! anime/manga/novel series.
Dallas Lovato is the sister of the actress and singer Demi Lovato.
Dallas is a contestant on Rock of Love:Charm School.
Dallas Green is a member of Alexisonfire and City And Colour.
There is a character in SE Hinton's "The Outsiders" named Dallas. He was my favorite character and he has shaped my perception of the name. Dally is a good nickname for it. And it is a VERY masculine name.
Dallas was the name of one of the characters in S.E. Hinton's 'The Outsiders.' He also went by 'Dally.'
"Dallas" was a popular T.V. show in the '80's.

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