Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think Damaris is a really cool name. It's different and you definitely don't hear it everyday, which I like. I also like that it has a biblical reference, but is not as common as other feminine biblical names like Sarah, Hannah and Elizabeth. Not that there's anything wrong with those names (or common names, in general), but I just like rare names that have a beautiful sense of uniqueness, like Damaris. I think it's a good name.
Cows are awesome guys! I love this name!
I think this is a beautiful, classy name. I have only heard it pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable. Some people seem to feel that is a bad thing; I hear the 'dam' as in 'mother of' i.e. a pedigree. With the meaning being tied to wife and heifer that makes sense to me. With its meanings, and the soft sounds in the name, saying it sounds masculine makes no sense to me.
This name both looks and sounds masculine. It makes me think of a black dude when said as "Duh-mare-is".
My name is Damaris and I love my name. I love how not many people have my name. And if I ever have a daughter I will call her Damaris too. Since my name is Damaris it makes me feel special. A lot of my friends and family loves my name and I think it's really cool.
What puts me off of this name is that the first syllable sounds like "damn," and that's the one that's stressed.
I love how mystical this name sounds.
I met a girl with this name and my first impression was that it was weird, but not necessarily in a bad way. And after I discovered it was a Biblical name (I love Biblical names, probably because my parents named me and all my five siblings Biblical names), I started to really like it.
Pretty name. I had read on another website that this name is Greek meaning gentle girl.
I first heard this name when I was about 11 or 12 and read the Janette Oke book "A woman called Damaris". I loved it IMMEDIATELY. The author said where to find this name in the Bible, I looked, found it. Then when I was older I studied out the scripture this name is found within. I found that the name doesn't mean just heifer, but also meant "Gentle and kind". The other name mentioned in the scripture was Dionysus, which meant "reveler; womanizer; drunkard". This spoke to me that the love of God and His salvation is for all, no matter what walk of life. I have decided that when I have children, if I have a daughter I would name her Damaris Ariane meaning "gentle gift of God".

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