Comments (Personal Impression Only)

If I wanted kids (I don’t) and had a daughter, this would be my first suggestion.I think change is the only constant over time, and we should always be looking to make a difference, small or big. To this end, I think Delta is beautiful and symbolic.
Quite strange-sounding and it sounds like a dog's name to me for some reason. And there's the coronavirus variant...
Well the coronavirus variant ruined it for me. I don’t want to be mean to those who have this name, however I would never name my kid this at the moment.
Old lady name, I don't like it at all.
I really dig it. It's a groovy name.
I knew a girl who pronounced this dehl-TAY.
So cute! Might use as a middle name.
To be honest, I thought this was a more modern name, but looking at the popularity chart, apparently not. I find this name and other river-related names to be better than just simply "River". Easily one of my favorite names. Also, when "Delta" gets older, she could sign her name in the triangle symbol used to represent "Delta".
I love this name, it is my name. I grew up in the 80s so it was a lovely name to hear. My grandma is a Delta Mae and she the only other Delta I know.
Delta is a really cool name, but also a terrible one. It's interesting, but doesn't sound like a name.
Again, never go to Greece with this name. Also, in Greek the letter Δ makes kind of a th sound, depending on what your accent's like and what other letters are around it. So while in English it's properly Delta with a hard D, you could make a justification for pronouncing it Thelta (not that that name is any nicer than Delta).
I really like this name, as well as other names that are associated with the Greek alphabet, like Alpha or Beta. Delta is a nice name.
I really like this name!
Beautiful and unique :)
It does have a nice sound to it, but sorority connection turns it off for me.
It sounds a bit weird as a first name, quite frankly. So many associations to have, even if they're not dreadfully negative.
I think it is kind of cool. It is definitely unique.
I can imagine what it would be like to be in a sorority and be named Delta.

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